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RagingBuddhist (0) 01-22-08  11:46pm
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Please - No more shills for this site

We get the message - it's the bestest, most wonderfullest site ever. We don't believe you - but we get the message.

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Comment Replies (5)

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Msg # User Message Date


Drooler (Disabled) Thanks for posting this. What are these people THINKING?? ARE they thinking?
01-23-08  02:17am

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jd1961 (0) REPLY TO #1 - Drooler :

The system is still working though, I remember when I joined, all these 7th rate sites were listed in the top 10. So now these shills stick out like sore thumbs.
01-23-08  01:26pm

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - jd1961 :

I agree that it's working pretty well, as you point out, though shills do have their ways.

I think I got a "good shilling" once in reply to my review of Jenni's Secrets. This "Walter" came on and blasted my review, one that I'd put a lot of time into. His attack was the very first thing he did as a "member." After that, he posted three pud reviews of his own in 10 minutes time, which I think he did in a rather half-assed attempt to make himself look legit.

01-24-08  12:52am

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littlejoe (0) im not a spam bot and for this kind of site its quite good
01-24-08  09:32am

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #4 - littlejoe :

Not sure what a spam bot means in this case, but I do know there's quite a difference between "quite good" and a perfect score. Unless things have changed since I saw a couple of their episodes (maybe a year ago), the video quality alone was enough to drop their score. 320 resolution doesn't exactly put you on top of the heap by any stretch of the imagination.

I also think that someone telling me what my porn preferences are, as in, "This site has everyone's fantasy in it", could only come from the mind of someone trying to sell a site. Is it quite good? Maybe. Is it my fantasy? Nope, sorry. Is it a perfect site? HELL no!

01-24-08  02:38pm

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