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Visit Ass Traffic

Ass Traffic (0)

MrMac (0) 01-27-08  04:58pm
Rookie Badge TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Amazing girls (most are stunning)
- No DRM
- Caters exactly to the anal market
- HD scenes (1920x1080)
- Budding forum community with suggestions from members actively sought
- Exclusivity
- Excellent download speed
Cons: - Not recommended for dialup
- Bonus content a little tired

To give a bit more detail on the cons, the main thing I'd say is that the bonus stuff didn't really do much for me. There's about 80-90 mid quality clips from gonzo movies, the majority of which I'd seen before. It wouldn't really have bothered me if it wasn't there, although to be fair if you hadn't seen them it would represent about 15 'free' anal dvds.
Bottom Line: The best anal site I've found to date.

I've been an occasional member of most of the sites that you'll find topping the anal themed ratings. I'll probably join some of them again in the future, but I'll definitely be an AssTraffic member on and off for all the time that it's around.

If anal is your niche then you quite simply have to check out this site. I guess I came to it late because I'd previously looked down the lists on review sites until I found one that looked reasonable but was cheap. But it really is false economy if you aren't completely satisfied by what you get for your money.

It's obviously the main content that's of primary interest and I find it difficult to fault them here. Well over 200 scenes (which currently occupy 100+Gb of my hard drive) including old favourites like Rita Faltoyano & Angelina Crow as well as girls you'll only ever see once or twice.

Two final points that I should mention are the new HD movies and the forum. The 1920x1080 scenes will be eating up my broadband connection for some time to come, but when you see them on a 42" LCD TV - Wow!!!

Lastly, it's a very nice touch to have an area where members can discuss the scenes and models and where the admins will also post with info such as HD guidance, 'bloopers' from the movies and requests for which girls we want to see again.

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