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Visit Teach Me Fisting

Teach Me Fisting (0)

MargulisAZ (0) 03-02-08  08:32pm
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Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: Lots of content.
Regular updates.
Quite a few quality looking models.
Easy site navigation.
Every scene has pics and video.
Quite a few bonus sites with membership.
Cons: Same shoot location every time - a couch.
Model quality has gone down some over the last 6 months.
Camera man and Zolli talk frequently during scenes, which could be a turnoff for people who do not want to hear this.
Updates are broken up and released in parts over a week's time, instead of just delivered at once.
Bottom Line: Being a huge fan of fisting, I was really excited when this site launched. It's been up and going for a decent while now, so by this time there is a ton of updates to sift through and every one of them delivers on the fisting. Well, there is of course some scenes where there isn't full fisting, but at least they try.

Model quality is pretty solid but I will say it has gone down over the last 6 months somewhat. Still, there is enough content that you should have no problem finding more than a few attractive girls making a hand disappear. Also, expect all euro models. And yes, a lot of them you have seen before, but not all.

Zoli usually makes his presence felt in every scene, so if you hate hearing people other than the models talk you could be very annoyed with this. I personally find him pretty funny, so it doesn't bother me too much, but some it could.

Video quality is pretty good and site navigation is good. There are enough thumbnails for the video to know whether you want to download it or not, and there is a preview clip of every scene which helps a lot also.

All in all it's probably the best fisting specific site out there, but in reality it's not that hard to accomplish that feat since most of the sites for fisting are pretty lacking. Still, it holds it's own regardless and gets my recommendation.

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Review Replies (2)

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Msg # User Message Date


nygiants03 (0) so would you say this site is similar to fisting lessons? or no
03-03-08  10:39pm

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MargulisAZ (Suspended) REPLY TO #1 - nygiants03 :

I would say that it is similar in that the focus is on fisting exclusively, but I think Teach me fisting updates much more regularly and also has better looking models. I remember when Fisting Lessons first came out, and from what I heard they had a different owner at that point. Not sure how true that is, but I know that the older content has the majority of the attractive models, at least in my opinion.

Also, at Fisting Lessons you can only download one movie file at one time, regardless of whether you have a download manager or not, so it takes quite a while to get a full movie. And as I mentioned, updates are pretty infrequent now. You can do a trial there though for a few days and get access to their other sites like French Fisting too. But I don't find any of those models attractive. Could just be my preferences though.

So yeah it's similar, but I think a step above Fisting Lessons.

03-04-08  10:59am

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