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Visit Cum Brushers

Cum Brushers (0)

Lionheart (0) 03-26-08  12:45am
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Pollster  Trusted User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: + Tons of exclusive content
+ All movies have the dates they were added
+ Amateur girls
+ Website has a great model search function that makes it easy to find more movies, your favorite girl is in.
+ Bonus movies (Behind the scenes, commentary, etc)
+ Every scene starts with a little, dialogue/interview (makes it feel more like a reality site)
+ The videos have screen shots available
+ 500+ movies
+ Movies are offered in a high or low bandwidth
+ Unique cum fetish
Cons: - Some videos have music playing in the beginning, of the movie
- Some of the models are not that great looking (being nice)
- Some movies are spit into 4 parts (older ones)
- Videos repeat the same scene (Interview, blowjob, brush) some new ways of filming would be nice
- Pictures are not offered into a download all, zip file
Bottom Line: I enjoying watching facial cum shots, and this site looked promising with a new way to look at cum shots.

What I like about the site is the large selection of movies and the exclusive content this one web site can offer. I did quick count and there are over 500+ movies on this web site (48 movies per page X 12 full pages) the movies are offered in two sizes, and if I liked a particular model I can do a search to see other movies she did on this site and the others that are linked. The site does deliver when it says cum brushes, every girl in the site is given a toothbrush and brushes the cum into her teeth!

What I didn't like, was how some of the models look. The site has plenty of hot girls, but it does have it's fair share of girls not worth downloading. The screenshots of the videos are nice but are not offered in a zip format, which is inconvenient. and finally on a side note the scenes begin to be the same, a little dialogue, blowjob then the cum brush, it would be nice if they did some different things in the movies.

To wrap things up, if your looking for a unique cumshot web site, this site is for you. This site has tons of movies that will keep you busy for awhile.

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