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Visit Virtual Fem

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forsanla (0) 03-02-07  10:32pm
Rookie Badge  Pollster TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 4 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Very original
- Software works freely on your computer even you are no longer a member
Cons: - Update monthly (one more girl per month)
- Video quality average
- Repetitive
Bottom Line: It's a bit like the interactive DVD. You download a master software then each girl you like.
You choose a girl, you chat with her (she speak with a artificial voice) and some keywords release an other video. Each girl is different so keywords are not always the same, videos are different too (not always the same position, some girls have different outfits....). Some girls are shy, some are very excited... You must initiate a real dialogue with a little seduction. If you like programming, you can improve yourself new sentences and other keywords in the chat (not very easy), introduce RSS entry (the girl give news and weather forecast, funy).
Not bad at all but after choosing three or four girls is becoming repetitive.
I would prefer five or six girls and each month more video and a improvement of the dialogue for them and not an other girl each month with more or less the same sort of video (strip tease, different sex positions) and an other chat introduction.

But keep cool, the software works after the end of the subscription. You can leave after one month and keep all the downloaded babes, the best solution I think.

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