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VideoBox (0)

joekerr1 (0) 05-30-08  08:15am
Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: Hi-Quality Downloads
Multiple Daily Updates
Multiple Download Options
Lots of Niches
Well Designed Layout
Excellent Search Functions
Member Rating System
Comment Section
Design your own clip option
Other stuff too numerous to mention
Cons: Some niches contain too few movies
Not all niches are updated frequently
Movies can sometimes be dated (old)
Offered prices can be misleading
Bottom Line: So here's the bottom line...This site is quite simply above par. You would be hard pressed to find another site as comprehensive as VideoBox. It's simply a porn hounds heaven. With daily dvd updates and lots of different niches to choose from, you certainly get your moneys worth. The search function makes it easy to dive in and find that dvd or porn chick you've been looking for. It would be nice if they threw the guys into the search function also, because let's face it...some dudes just don't look good naked. You won't really find any "exclusive content" as it's called, but you just might find that old school porn you jacked off to in high school. With multiple updates a day you are sure to find something though. And if you only find one dvd, it still costs less than you would pay. The quality is excellent, and you have an option to design your own clip. This is a great feature for those of you who like to skip right to the good part. And the price ain't half bad either, but it can be a little confusing. I went for the full monty, and I would suggest you do the same. There's not much more to say about the site except for the comments section. Can I just say AWESOME? It's great to weigh in on your thoughts about that mind blowing scene you just watched or how funny that chick looked with a little sumpin sumpin in her eye. That being said I would truly recommend this site. Peace...Joker

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Denner (0) Good first review here at PU - welcome...
I certainly agree about some of the niches with too small an amount of videos.

Then again - I do not quite agree with the Hi-Quality Downloads. Even if you go for HQ in membership - most videos are not crisp - but comes out just the same in fullscreen as the socalled standard resolution.
But anyway there's still some kind of reason why TBP and a lot of PUs have a high score on this site...
Keep it up, joekerr1

05-30-08  08:24am

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Monahan (0) I agree. This is the kind of review that adds to the quality of PU and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your reviews going forward.

As for Video Box, I've been with them for at least 2 years and agree with both you and Denner. There is no site that has more stuff and as frequent an update schedule than these guys (imagine, 1,825 updates per year).

My primary beef with that site (and with many porn video productions in general) is that many of the girls are not identified at all so the search function will not capture all scenes for a particular babe. My secondary beef is that they are getting careless when they do identify the chick so that the name and scene don't match correctly.

Minor issues because it's fun digging thru the archives looking at the stuff and always finding some stunning talent that I haven't seen before.

And the comments for each scene/DVD are amusing, and occasionally useful. Always watch for comments by Rope-a-Dope. This guy has an all consuming passion for porn and seems to have cataloged each and every porn flick ever made...and he's always posting great info.

05-30-08  01:07pm

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