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jbgild (0) 06-04-08  09:02am
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The joining price for europeans is 24.95 Euro

I don't know why TBP can't get their facts right, but the price for joining for any european is 24.95 Euro, more than 38 dollars.

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Khan (Suspended) First off, we're happy to update site facts whenever it's warranted. Just drop a line to support [at] pornusers [dot] com and we'll get any error corrected.

However ....

What you need to be aware of is some sites have started using what they call regional pricing. This site shows (when viewed from the US) as $34.95 so you see, we DID get our facts right. We can't help that some sites choose to show a different price to customers who visit the site from a different geographical region. That's really beyond our control.

Your notice to fellow users should suffice in giving users a heads up that they might see a different price than the one listed.

06-04-08  10:28am

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wiild1 (Unverified) REPLY TO #1 - Khan :

I don't think one should be unhappy with either PU, TBP or this sites regional pricing; they clearly state both the $ & € prices and they don't discriminate that much based on the current exchange rates, who knows soon 25euro will be less than 35USD?

TBP and PU are slighly US centric so one can understand that they can't list more prices than USD, but we users can report/protest, but this site is worth joing in Aug even at Euro25 as you get 9 other very good sites:


08-13-09  01:24pm

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