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messmer (0) 07-12-08  01:01pm
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Company Logo Way Too Big!

This is another site where the watermarks are way too big and intrusive, at least in the picture sets. Who wants to stare at a company advertising itself in the most conspicuous places when you've paid to see an unmutilated, unobstructed picture. It's as bad as 40something.mag. The moment they'll reduce their self-promotion I'll be happy to subscribe. The models seem to be fine!

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Msg # User Message Date


TheRizzo (0) I don't mind it if they do it big on their free promo material but to have that size of watermark on their members content is just ridiculous.
07-12-08  02:36pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - TheRizzo :

It's a constant beef of mine, Rizzo. As far as I know all their sites suffer from over-sized logos. It's a puzzle to me that they keep any subscribers at all. Unless I'm too nit-picking about it and other users just aren't bothered by those abominations. I really wish a webmaster would look in on this one and give a reasonable explanation.
07-12-08  06:47pm

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TheRizzo (0) REPLY TO #2 - messmer :

Well there are at least 2 of us that hate it. Its a huge reason for me to cancel for sure. Distracting and ruins the sexual nature of the photos to me. Like I said for free area promo, fine, I understand that. But paying customers shouldn't have to deal with it. A small watermark is perfect. I don't even mind a logo if its transparent and small enough, but I love the sites that just do the year and url in a nice crisp font.
07-12-08  07:13pm

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pornpundit (0) Please Sir Get real. If all you have to complain about is the logo...In Any case I appreciate logo's as they help to identify flicks in my collection. Now If only I could join the site at $19.95
07-15-08  08:46am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #4 - pornpundit :

Nothing wrong with logos if they are discretely tucked away near the bottom and away from the model's face and other interesting features!

All I can add to your remarks is: to each his own. To me large logos are a mutilation of a picture or video and I'm always ready to voice my opinion on that because I really believe a site, by reducing super large logos could increase its business.

To you they're helpful in sorting! Why a big watermark/logo should be important when it comes to that I'll never understand. Wouldn't a smaller one identify who produced the set/video just as well or is it a case of impaired vision? But here we go again: Not everyone's taste and methods of collecting are the same.

Thankfully there are enough sites of all kinds to keep both of us happy. As they say in Germany: "One man's owl is another man's nightingale!"

07-15-08  10:24am

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