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Drooler (0) 07-20-08  05:50am
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A thicket of good videos

This site and its network (a total of 22 sites for the TBP price of $15) is a very good deal for the content, but getting it is a chore.

Select site --> select vid --> browse vidcaps --> choose "watch the video" --> choose the segment --> view the segment --> download segment from viewer window --> find your way back to next video -- probably click "home" and then the page of main listings (which you have to remember)

I tried to download segments from the "watch the video" pages (there are links there, too) but kept getting error messages that way, so I gave up.

There are links for downloading the entire vids, but I haven't tried them.

When there's tons of content, a site should make it easy for the subscriber to access it. Brazzer's does a much better job. You can choose a girl and all of her scenes in their network will show on one page. Here, it's by-the-site.

But I'm glad I joined JizzBomb. The browsing, streaming, and downloading are quick. The vid quality is very good (wmv 888x480). I found a lot of nice exclusive stuff of known American and Euro girls. But it will be hard to forget how labor-intensive it was.

And too many of them have that stupid ass-slapping by the male until the the girl's lovely mounds are all reddened up. It's one of those idiotic, "sensational" things that should be stopped. Take a memo: Sex doesn't have to have abuse in it to be good.

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