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mbaya (0) 08-26-08  09:54am
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non indian actresses

This, as well as many sites that claim to be Indian, has nonIndians on it. There are several clues when they do this: Indians have dark brown hair, often straight, but Latinas generally have jet black, poker straight hair. On this site there are many girls who claim not to speak English, but they are all from New Delhi or Bombay. Point one, the name was changed to Mumbai several years ago, and point two those are the centers of English in India. It is nearly impossible that someone comes from a city and does not know minimal English. Those from the countryside know less, and some none at all. Additionally, very few immigrants come from these two cities, so it is very unlikely that even half of these alleged Indians are really legitimate. Another clue is that when asked a question, yes is never moving your head up and down. Indians move side to side on a diagonal with a wavelike movement. No I am not Indian, but professionally I know thousands of Indians, no exaggeration.

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atrapat (0) Good catch. When you join a MILF site, you don't expect all models to have children in real life but this case is different.

As further proof, some American porn starts I spotted in the free tour: Luscious Lopez as Kumani, Alexis Love as Shanti, Nikara (aka Aurora Jolie) as Ara, Ricki White as Ashari, ... None are known for being "100% Indian" and it's very unlinkely they were "fucked on film for the first time" for this particular site as the tagline claims.

08-26-08  10:25am

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Denner (0) Pretty weird stuff, here...
Absolutely agree with mbaya - when browsing through models, it's clear to see, that this is very close to fake. Models of many other origin - but not India - just marked with the forehead decoration.
Think mbaya has discovered a cheat here.

08-26-08  12:21pm

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - Denner :

I will soon write a review of this site. Overall I liked it, but they do cheat on the content. There were Indians on the site and that material is hard to find if you want any quality. Basically the material was good regarding both Indians and non Indians, but I don't like being lied to. In fact a few of the real Indians were quite genuine, cute and had really hot sex scenes. This is a bad example of what websites try to do to fool the uninformed. Websites lie all the time, such as dvd quality when it is not, first timers, amateurs, etc. I would even include pornstars with boob jobs, not their real hair color and excessive overacting. My intention here was to inform anyone who may want to know how to spot a fake Indian.
I would love to hear from webmasters in this topic.

08-26-08  12:46pm

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