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mbaya (0) 09-11-08  12:15pm
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good site

I was a member too long ago to write a full review, but I still have the videos I downloaded. There were many top notch attractive women on the site and mostly the sex was creative and interesting. Most, if not all, are recognizable pornstars doing things that you don't see on your average mainstream sites. I feel definitely an acquired taste as this is a BDSM site though. Some scenes are worth rewatching just to see the chemistry among the participants. It had a real enough feel to the sex and sometimes there is even a story. This site has some things missing in many mainstream porn videos. My only criticism is that you get just the one site, even though there are others in kink.com that you have to pay for separately at full membership price. They should have the other sites included or at least give you a break on the price if you join more than one site.

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Msg # User Message Date


mr smut (0) Wow! I just saw that they offer "Kink On Demand" where you can buy single shootings. Have you seen this one? This seems to be a good idea but I agree that it would be better to have cheaper access to more than one site as Kink.com is not really cheap.
09-11-08  01:40pm

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Toadsith (0) I'm pretty sure Kink provides a 10% break on each site you join after you join one. Not much, but something at least.

One quick question though, do they do full video files, or are the scenes broken up into multiple files? They used to do this on Ultimate Surrender and it would drive me nuts as it screwed with my organizational system, lol.

09-11-08  02:59pm

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - Toadsith :

It has been over a year since I was a member and never saw a 10% discount then. This could tempt me to rejoin. At that time most of the videos had a complete video link, but the oldest ones did not.
09-11-08  03:06pm

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Toadsith (0) REPLY TO #3 - mbaya :

Thanks, mucho helpful - me thinks I'll probably join this site in the near future then.
09-11-08  03:09pm

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - Toadsith :

I just looked at the site and saw no way to get a discount. Do you remember where you saw the deal?
09-11-08  03:18pm

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Toadsith (0) REPLY TO #5 - mbaya :

Sorry, I didn't make it clear - once you join one of the Kink.com sites, any of them - you can then get 10% off the next site in their network that you join. So you get the discount only for the second and following sites. Again, I think that is the case, it could have changed.
09-11-08  03:25pm

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TheRizzo (0) REPLY TO #1 - mr smut :

I think you are going to see a lot more sites going on demand like this.
09-11-08  07:30pm

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