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Visit Sharing Paris

Sharing Paris (0)

hogboy (0) 09-22-08  10:35am
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Hot as hell, but is it just me...

OK, Paris is unbelievably hot and the scenes are pretty good for amateur. But is it just me or do all the 'guest' guys look like the same person? I'm no expert but they all have the same build, same cock shape, they even sound the same when you hear them talking / moaning etc. Conveniently they all have their faces hidden for 'privacy' reasons, so it's hard to be sure. Does this really matter? Probably not if all you want to do is jack off. After all she really is incredibly hot. But the premise of many of the movies is that either she's met a new guy she wants to fuck on camera, or her husband has brought home a guy from work for her to fuck. Call me a purist if you like, but it kinda ruins the plot somewhat if you're thinking it's the same guy every time! Or is it just me?

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Monahan (0) Off your point altogether, but my sincere thanks for posting a comment.

I never heard of this site or of Paris, but because of your comment, I visited the site. Paris is definitely the kind of babe who qualifies as a keeper. I'll be enrolling soon, but do you know whether the site is active with regular updates, can you tell me how much video content is available, and, finally, is there any DRM or other content download limitation?

Also, is there enought to sign up for the 6 month plan?

09-22-08  12:32pm

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hogboy (0) REPLY TO #1 - Monahan :

Hey Monahan, glad to be of service!

I can't say about frequency of updates since I only recently joined myself, but I can tell you that there are 44 vids on the site at present, and they're DRM-free. I guess if you have a decent download manager you would only need a one-month membership, which is what signed up for. There are loads of picture sets as well, although that's not my thing.

All things considered, I think it's worth the one-month membership. The current Porn User members questionaire asks if we keep an eye on particular models. I can tell you I'll be watching for Paris updates from now on!

09-22-08  02:33pm

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #2 - hogboy :

One more question.

Do you know if she has a last (first?) name and/or if she goes by another name?

09-22-08  11:06pm

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hogboy (0) REPLY TO #3 - Monahan :

Hi Monahan,

Unfortunatly I don't know. I only found her myslf fom a vid on YouPorn, and all I know about her is what's on her site. Sorry.

09-23-08  12:03am

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