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Visit 3D Stripper

3D Stripper (0)

asmith12 (0) 09-23-08  05:49am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: ++ virtual 3D stripper as advertised
++ movements are surprisingly natural
++ clothing "fits" the girl surprisingly naturally
+ different outfits
+ several dozens of movements
+ "queue" of movements to make continuous dance
+ "stripper time" to keep "game" feeling
Cons: --- only one girl
-- removing clothes is not animated
- sometimes there are "jumps" between different segments
- somewhat confusing interface
-- no site value except for the game
- complicated game activation procedure
Bottom Line: This site proposes subscription, but obviously it's not about subscription at all. It is just selling of the downloadable 3D game, that's it. Site "extras" in addition to the game itself include only a few 3D toons and several "same old" video feeds of dubious quality.

Now about the game.
The good. On the first glance it is surprisingly entertaining. After getting through download and all the registrations and activations, you can see a girl which dances some random dance, and you can tell her what to do next. Actions are placed into the "queue" so you can make long dance sequence. You can change girl outfit, or ask her to remove some or all clothing. To keep things more interesting, there is "stripper time" which requires some attention (not too bad to distract from the girl). Girl movements are surprisingly natural (obviously somehow scanned from some real dancing girl), and clothes fit her naturally too. There are a few dozens of different movements, and 4 or 5 different outfits (each consisting of 4 items, and each item can be taken off separately).

The bad. On the second glance, it starts to become boring. There is only ONE girl, and number of outfits and movements, while pretty big, still starts to become boring in an hour or so. When the girls takes something off, it is not animated (item just fades away) and it doesn't help too.

The ugly. There some minor but annoying things with the site and game: my login wasn't activated until a few hour after paying, activation procedure was complicated and confusing, and UI isn't too obvious. But these issues were quite minor and don't affect bottom line much.

Bottom line: while there is definitely NO value in recurring subscription, one-time "subscription" (to purchase the game @19.95) MIGHT make some sense if you're turned on by the girls merely stripping. While usually I don't include pricing into consideration, in this case I can't help but to say that value for money isn't good here. If the site would throw in more girls/outfits/movements (or at least include their 3D Girls), I would rate them higher.

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Review Replies (3)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


Denner (0) Thanks for a thorough review, asmith...
Has had a thing about this 3D for some time - it's different, too - for sure. Fantasy-like...
But only ONE girl - that's a downer.
Wish there were more sites like this - but with several types of girls - guess there is a lot of work (and expences) in creating stuff like that.
Still, I'll go for it...

09-23-08  06:15am

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asmith12 (0) REPLY TO #1 - Denner :

> Still, I'll go for it...
Please share your thoughts after trying it (while I do like the way she moves, everybody has different points of view and expectations, especially when it comes to 3D).

09-23-08  06:30am

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Denner (0) REPLY TO #2 - asmith12 :

Sure, I'll get back after joining.
And I'm still looking for more 3D-sites, but "the picking are slim"".
The japaneese Aime-thing is not it, and some - also - japaneese regular 3D-sites has censored scenes - quite weird...

09-23-08  07:10am

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