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Which of these 6 is your pet peeve on adult sites?

Type: General

Submitted by Cybertoad (0)
Slow downloads 4% 2 Votes
Misleading advertising 33% 18 Votes
No webmaster response 4% 2 Votes
Doesnt update like promised 22% 12 Votes
Navigation nightmare. 15% 8 Votes
Guys talking in videos 22% 12 Votes

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54 Votes Total

Oct 24, 2008

Poll Replies (21)

Replies to the user poll above.

Msg # User Message Date


Wittyguy (0) Basically all of these are annoying as hell. I'd have to say that the misleading advertising is the worst of the bunch. Sites that promise exclusive material or certain models or scenes and, poof, it's no where to be found past the tour pages. Sites that try to sucker you in with the misleading stuff are probably the worst because then you're not even getting what you paid for.
10-24-08  12:05am

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Lionheart (0) I hate sites that makes finding the video you want some kinda of hunt. All things points are all pet peeves of mine but if I can't find the movies that I want in under one minute the site is not worth joining.
10-24-08  12:35am

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elonlybuster (0) Wow good poll, really makes you think which makes you wanna punch someone more.
My top 3 are misleading advertisements because I can't tell you how many times I've signed up for a site and it's not what you think. None updates or delayed updates are annoying, but usually the first time I register I figure it out and basically do a site rip, but even then it could have been avoided by simply doing some research. And yea navigation is a BIG thing. I remember once it got to the point where I basically had to manually enter the url to each page. Just annoying.
The guy talking isn't bad because you can usually figure it out by watching a few trailers.

10-24-08  03:20am

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surferman (0) I've said misleading advertising, since that covers a couple of the others. However, lack of web master response when it is promised is also particularly annoying on the occasional times I have needed it. Reality Kings are a culprit here, since they seek our response, but never reply to feedback when it is given.
10-24-08  04:32am

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Denner (0) Cybertoad got the main things here that can annoy like hell - don't really know which one is worse. Voted about missing upload - but, man, all that stupid/fresh talk on video...
And....yeah, all of it.

10-24-08  05:16am

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Drooler (Disabled) 1. Misleading advertising, especially the "hi-rez pics!" crap after which you find out (hopefully only from a review) that the pics are 1200px or lower. This one really hit me the most because I don't know how many sites I've visited and just dismissed because they seemed full of hype. You know, the kind that give you 1-2 pages of sample content and then the next page is the signup form and it costs $30 or more.
2. (not on the list) Formula-driven content that never delivers the kinds of pics and/or videos you want
3. Navigation nightmare
4. Slow downloads and/or no zips of pics

But of course, these peeves are all major detractors, resulting in sites that will be ignored, slagged mercilessly at PU, or shamelessly shilled.

Nice poll question, btw!

10-24-08  07:51am

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williamj (0) They are all annoying. But some JO guy talking when the girl is trying to work drives me nuts. Guys behind the cam should keep their dummy mouths shut. There's alot of sites that offer excellent porn but I refuse to join because in the trailers some JO is bugging the girl with stupid questions and comments and thinking he's cool doing it. Its there loss in potential revenue. No web master response tells me the site is poorly run. So if I read that a few times in a review from different people I avoid.
10-24-08  08:22am

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Cybertoad (Disabled) Even though I wrote he poll, my pet peave is talking. I really do not need to hear this bozo yapping it up.
What gets me is POV, which are supposed to seperate the guy from the scene , seems they talk the most in pov. Now if we had female directors coaching the girls think many would agree that would be hot.

Second is misleading ads, I just did two reviews and these two sites flat out lied in the front page. Then sent in a spotter to puff up the score. Just shameful in my opinion.

10-24-08  12:53pm

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #8 - Cybertoad :

Have to say I agree, too. Thing is, I usually watch with sound off anyway so I don't notice. But the cameraman or interviewer or stud, whoever it is, doing a bunch of yakking during sex or idiotic (really pathetic) verbal posturing during interviews is a total turn off.

Like, are WE supposed to be impressed by this? Au contraire!

Regarding interviews, I've never seen any of a guy interviewing the girl that didn't just reek of "loser" on the guy end. The questions are so dumb, the comeons so flat, the girl so smart compared to the knucklehead. At least the girl, bored though she must be, comes out of it looking no worse for the wear.

10-24-08  03:17pm

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pinkerton (0) All are annoying but slow downloads and misleading advertising have got to be my biggest gripes
10-24-08  03:42pm

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pjfry (0) I was about to vote for misleading advertising when I saw the guys talking option.

I had to vote for that because, as bad as misleading advertising is, it usually means there's still some decent porn that's good enough for a nice fap. But when the guy keeps talking and won't shut up, it completely ruins it. You don't need to keep repeating how hot she is, I know, I can see her. And I agree with cybertoad about POV scenes. That's the worst. It's supposed to be me she's sucking and fucking? Well I don't sound like a god damn moron, and I enjoy my sex, I don't talk through the whole thing.

10-24-08  05:50pm

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pat362 (0) My #1 pet peeve has to be misleading advertising because that's the one that has cost me the most money versus satisfaction. Thank God for TBP and now for PU because we all help each other avoid those miserable sites that used to lure us in with a lot of promises that simply never appeared.
10-24-08  06:40pm

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PinkPanther (0) In order of annoyance for me:

1) Lack of updates - nothing like a dead site to piss me off - at least if the site has claimed to be live
2) No webmaster response - I only contact webmasters if I'm having some problem - like getting access to the site - and if I don't get a response, that will become my #1 issue VERY quickly
3) Navigation nightmare - Well, if a site updates and you have access, but every time you click on something, you're waiting forever, that's a huge drag.
4) Slow downloads - If the site updates and you have access but it takes you an unusually long time to download anything, that's a paid - not a huge one, but it's a pain
5) Misleading advertising - ya know, at this point, I expect most sites to be engaging in misleading advertising to some degree - they'll say 3 updates a week and that will only be when you're really lucky. The sites that do what they promise in all regards are few and far between and I congratulate them for doing so.

Again, this is a good reason why this site is so valuable - to separate the wheat from the chaff.

10-24-08  10:33pm

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Drooler (Disabled) While we're discussing the peevish, another item that deserves mention is this: You log in to the site, then when you reach another section (e.g., vids not pics), or simply want to download a particular vid or set, it demands that you log in AGAIN! And sometimes ... even AGAIN!

I've had this experience with VivThomas, KarupsHA, and ATK Galleria, among others.

One login ought to do it, doncha think?

10-25-08  03:33am

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DivBZero (Suspended) My main BIG peeve is lack of zip files of images !
10-25-08  08:11am

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apoctom (0) I would have liked to pick most of the peeves. Misleading advertising is rampant, but often coincides with lack of promised updates. A poorly designed site is usually also indicative of poor webmasters or slow servers. So, why not have an all of the above?
10-25-08  08:32am

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #13 - PinkPanther :

Agree completely with Pink Panther's list and ranking.

Chatter by the stuntcock or the director is not an issue with me because I am into the action. If I don't like the noise, I just turn off the sound.

10-25-08  08:55am

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Jay G (Disabled) "All of the above" would have been my answer.
10-25-08  09:11am

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Pinche Kankun (Disabled) ALL OF THEM!!! Fucking all of them!! >:( AND WORST OFF... AND ALL YOU DUDES KNOW IT, TOO... FAAAACCCCCCCIIIIIIAAAALLLLLLLSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! >:( >:(
11-09-08  11:19pm

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Pinche Kankun (Disabled) I hate pornography liars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:O

If I C an advertizment involving a girl getting smothered in nut all over her body, it's gonna make me want to join, just to find that scene and any others that are similar!! AND THEN YOU NEVER FIND IT... I REALLY HATE THAT SHIT!!!! >:O

11-11-08  12:16pm

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Pornjackker (0) 1. Doesn't have weekly updates promised.
2. No verbal participation from the guy.
3. Same guys used over and over again in scenes.
4. SSDD- No imagination
5. Bored skanks who lie there just to get paid.
6. DRM or stream only not known before joining

12-10-08  09:02pm

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