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User Polls Daily polls where users can vote and give their opinion!

You have been away on holiday and away from your computer for a week or more. When you return, what web site do you go to first?

Type: General

Submitted by surferman (0)
Your e mail provider 60% 32 Votes
Your favourite porn site 15% 8 Votes
Pornusers 8% 4 Votes
Other 17% 9 Votes

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53 Votes Total

Oct 28, 2008

Poll Replies (7)

Replies to the user poll above.

Msg # User Message Date


Lionheart (0) Because of school, I have a habit of checking my e-mail three times a day.
10-28-08  01:35am

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elonlybuster (0) Well aside from my homepage, my email. I know I'd have a lot to check and reply to. Next would be the forum(s) and such.
10-28-08  03:17am

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Drooler (Disabled) Fuck email. Favorite porn site! Email can wait a few minutes.
10-28-08  10:43am

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pat362 (0) First my emails, then Egotastic, AICN and a few non-porn related websites. I'll get to porn but frankly it's not too high on my list.
10-28-08  02:38pm

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Monahan (0) Alright. I answered PU because I'm responding to a PU poll...

Here's what really happens.

When I'm on holiday I always have my laptop with me and I check my email at least twice a day; once in the morning and once at bedtime. Sometimes if nothing else is going on, I'll check during the day.

I also check all of my financial accounts every morning, in particular my checking and credit card accounts, to see what bad shit may be going on. (Last fall, when on a week stay in Kauai, I did my usual check of my checking account and found that a bogus check for $5,000 had just been processed. Thank goodness I checked because that check was followed by two more and would have wiped out my checking account and the overdraft backup securities account. I called the bank's 800 number immediately and found out that the first check was processed two hours before I called so they were able to do a trackback instantly. Skip the details...but the shithead processed two more checks that were in the system. The best part, he tried a fourth check, but with a bank that contacted my bank to verify the funds were available while he was standing there. Bingo. They nabbed the guy in the act.)

Back to the subject. Then, after I check my financial accounts and email, I check Porn Users to see what's new on the site reviews, then the PU forums, and any replies to my reviews and comments.

Then I check VideoBox for the latest updates on that site and then any other sites I'm on.

That means that there's no need to "catch up" when I get home because I'm doing that daily.

10-28-08  07:26pm

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PinkPanther (0) I check my e-mail, then my favorite porn sites - sorry, but the truth is that it's a day or two before I check PornUsers.
10-28-08  09:04pm

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alexmedia (0) check e-mails, read news.
09-23-09  08:46pm

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*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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