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Nubiles.net (0)

obsessedoverit (0) 10-28-08  02:26am
Rookie Badge  Pollster  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: Obviously there is great quality to be had here at Nubiles. A large amount of HD content of predominantly petite amateurs can be found in both the videos (1280x720) and photos.

No drm, no DL limits, the site is a breeze to navigate

Lots of download options. Photos can be downloaded at three different sizes. The vids are offered at a few different sizes also.

Nubiles offers the unique option of downloading photos based on certain niches. For instance: At the bottom of each models page you can download photos sets that just focus on the ass, face, tits, etc. This didn’t really appeal to me but it’s creative and unique. It also shows how the creators are working hard to provide a quality site!
Cons: I was disappointed in the lack of diversity/variety of models here. No Asian or ebony models to be found. It’s not as though the models are ugly they’re just all very similar young petite amateur euro and American girls. As a result I lost interest after a week :(

Everything is filmed on a couch or a bed. The model gets interviewed then masturbates or the model does an interview then does light hardcore. Kind of boring.

The photo galleries while great in quality are even less exciting than the videos here. I think this loss of excitement all stems from the models being the same generic type. I felt like I was looking at the same girl wearing the same thing every time.
Bottom Line: Don’t get me wrong this site is great for fulfilling that everyman’s fantasy of seeing that cute girl next door type just going for it. If that’s what you’re into you won’t be disappointed.

The problem here was a general lack of variety and excitement. A lot of TBP users compare this site to FTV and I have to say FTV does a better job addressing these two issues. Instead of interviewing the girl in a generic studio setting why not interview her outside in public where she can flash or do something to generate excitement? It's just funner that way.

I realize this is not my niche but I also see some room for improvement. Either I’m getting burnt out on porn or having the same type of girl do the same thing on camera every time is just plain boring! I hope it’s the latter!!

A discount can be found at http://www.paysitediscounts.com/

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Review Replies (11)

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Msg # User Message Date


Nubiles Captain (Suspended) I am a little confused obsessedoverit.

Where on our tour do we show ebony girls or flashing? Its not promised and its not delivered. You are dissappointed because you didn't see ebony girls when we don't act as if we have ebony girls?? Are you sure you reviewed the correct site?? We are not a public flashing site. Nubiles is niched for petite and young looking. Your review is completely off base. You might as well go review a gay site and give it a bad review because you don't like gay guys. I think your review was more a chance to spam the discount site and this review should be removed.

10-28-08  10:41am

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obsessedoverit (Suspended) REPLY TO #1 - Nubiles Captain :

I am new at this but I thought one of the purposes of the users forum was to express your personal opinion. If you want an unbiased review look at the TBP facts review.

Admittedly this is not my niche, but I didn't know that when I joined. I have always liked FTV and I believe it falls under the same category. Oh wait, excuse me did I just spam/plug FTV?

Also, if there is a discount available I want others to know about. This is an honest review, I paid for a membership and I was disappointed with the content. I felt this was the place where I could express that.

10-28-08  12:39pm

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Monahan (0) Just a comment.

As I see it the review was in conformity with the normal expectations of we Porn Users and was well written. I re-read the review and don't think that obsessedoverit ever suggested a bait and switch occurred with Nubiles. He simply said he likes ebony and flashing and that it wasn't available on Nubiles.

While I'm OK with ebony and flashing, it's not something I look for so that observation has no impact on my interest in the site.

I guess the only issue I have with the review is that P. U. offers the same discount as paysitesdiscount.com and he didn't mention that.

His review reinforces my interest in the site because his "pro's" are what I want and his "con's" are of no significant concern to me.

In fact, his credibility is really established by his comment that the site's focus is "not his niche" which explains his score. The site is definitely my "niche" because it has some hardcore and does a far better job of editing than FTV Girls.

obsessedoverit's review was very well done, in my opinion.

10-28-08  07:45pm

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #1 - Nubiles Captain :

I wouldn't take too much umbrage at the review, Captain. The reviewer stated his preferences, gave Nubiles.net a fair review while talking about some things about it that would have made it better for him.

It actually reminded me of some glancing I did just yesterday at some of your newest updates and how hot they are. I doubt that this review would turn people off to your site, except for the comment about the "same"y quality of the locations for the shoots, which I agree can be an issue at Nubiles.net at times.

For me, it all comes down to Nubiles.net finding hot girls and having the photographer get them engaged in the shoot - when that happens - and I think that it happens a large percentage of the time at your site - then you've got great material.

10-28-08  09:12pm

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obsessedoverit (Suspended) REPLY TO #3 - Monahan :

Thanks Monahan for the reassurance on my review. Such a prompt response from a webmaster was beginning to make me think I had committed some sort of violation.

I didn't realize there was a similar discount at PU. For future reviews I will be much more cautious about including URLs with discounts and maybe curtail my personal preferences a tad.

10-29-08  01:13am

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #5 - obsessedoverit :

"For future reviews... maybe curtail my personal preferences a tad."

Don't do that. References to your personal interests are what make a review useful and provides context to your ratings.

10-29-08  07:19am

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Nubiles Captain (Suspended) REPLY TO #2 - obsessedoverit :

I guess I owe you an apology. I thought it was just a plug for the discount site. I didn't realize how things work here but I would say I am definitely in the wrong. You are right, its your opinion and you gave the site a rating you felt it deserves. You should not change the way you review the sites and I perhaps shouldn't even be posting here much more.

I thought we have done a good job of showing what we promise on the tour, but perhaps I am wrong on that too. We show a profile with every model, samples for each model and even shows how far the models go. I know most sites DO NOT do that. It makes me wonder if its even worth it to take these extra steps if its not recognized.

For example our models are from all over the world. The means photographers all over the world, which means different chemistry with the model which means its gonna be a heck of a lot harder to get the same effect as one photographer, like the other site you mentioned. In the last year we have been hammering our guys to improve and getting closer but its not easy.

We are not just concentrated in the LA Agency model world like the other site you mentioned. Contrary to the fantasy its not those girls first time, far from it. Many of these girls we are pulling are not from LA or Budapest which are the porn capitals. Many of models really are first timers. These girls want to make hot pictures but when you put a camera on them they freeze up. Thats pretty normal too, put a camera on any friend you have and see if they act a little nervous or funny.

I would think our members would prefer to have fresh youthful faces then the same old porn stars from LA who can perform better but perhaps I am wrong. I just go off the best selling models.

I get very few Ebony girls coming through casting. I just don't see them. There is one hot one coming here in the next month but beyond that, there are just not as many. I guess we could add some big booty ones but I really don't think it would fit the site and it would draw more complaints.

Also many of our members like youthful looking models or at least those are the best selling ones. Many of the ebony models I have seen on other sites are far far from being youthful and when I have girls who are not young looking I get complaints.

Almost every change we make is made by what the members tell us and their feedback. Like the people complaining about too many Russian and Euro girls. Since I read that I here I dramatically changed the balance and there are USA or English girls almost every week.

We actually did some public flashing sets. They are the lowest rated sets in the member area.

I still don't agree with giving a low review to a site that didn't have what it didn't promise to have but you are in the right, its your opinion and that counts here, not mine.

I have told the Thebestporn that they should have the same discount as any other discount site which is why it now has the same price.

10-29-08  11:14am

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #7 - Nubiles Captain :

You might want to poll your members as to what made the join to decide whether or not you want to cut back on the extensiveness of your tour, Captain, but I can tell you as someone that has joined your site for 90 days a couple of times and fully intends to join your site for 90 days again before too long that tours matter. Your site has a good one and I would encourage you NOT to cut it back and make it something lesser than it is.

I also don't think that you should take this review as being all that bad. I think it's the kind of review that people on this site will read and those who would enjoy your site will be pointed in that direction. And that's a good thing, I think.

10-29-08  09:00pm

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obsessedoverit (Suspended) REPLY TO #7 - Nubiles Captain :

I will absolutely accept your apology. It's great to see a webmaster who cares that much. If I put myself in your shoes I could see why you had a negative reaction to my review.

The bottom line is Nubiles is a good site with a team clearly dedicated to improvement. I think it would be a great join for fans of young amateur models. I am also glad to see that you made the discount available to everyone here at PU.

10-30-08  12:02am

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TheRizzo (0) REPLY TO #9 - obsessedoverit :

Keep up the great reviews. This is the place for your opinions and how you felt about the site. Thats why there are multiple users reviews to read so people can be totally informed before joining. I appreciate your review.
10-30-08  08:04am

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mbaya (Disabled) I really liked your review and felt it was fair and balanced. I might have written the comments that stirred the controversy. I also believe variety is important to keep my interest. Also, 82 is not a bad score, just your opinion.
10-30-08  08:06am

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