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Visit German Goo Girls

German Goo Girls (0)

tobi (0) 10-31-08  02:28pm
Rookie Badge  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Updated: 11-25-08  12:23pm  (Update History)
Reason: The site completely changed. No DRM, no slow server and nothing to complain anymore
Pros: - extrem cumshots
- gangbangs
- site has been redesigned (for the good)
- girls seem to enjoy the action (strange isn't it)
- all vids have now very good quality
- lots of streaming content from other John Thomson sites
- nothing is DRM protected anymore
Cons: - nothing really to compain about
- only one vid option (mpeg4) available
Bottom Line: So, what can one say about GGG. He is a great producer of the most extreme porn you can think of. The gangbangs and bukkake-like facials can be considered as a gold-standard. The girls are very cute and some are quite outstanding. They really seem to like these cum baths. NO DRM anywhere. All vids have very good quality and the server is pretty fast now. My Fee Downloadmanager works. I can totally recommend GGG to people with a fetish for facials, gangbangs and kinky sex.
The vids are now all 640x480 mpg4. No other vid option is available.
It is now one of the best sites available.

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Review Replies (15)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


Cybertoad (Disabled) nice review , good details, you provided very useful information that may help others consider when joining. I gave you a positive trust rating good Job
11-01-08  12:23am

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tobi (0) REPLY TO #1 - Cybertoad :

Thanks a lot. I really try to be objective.
11-01-08  12:10pm

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Toadsith (0) Sweet, I was hoping they'd remove the DRM from GGG soon as I saw that one of John Thompson's other sites, GGG Sex Box - went DRM-free back in September.

Any guesstimate as to how many videos were DRM-free when you were a member?

Btw, I had run into the corrupted uploads when I was member as well, but I found if you emailed customer service they usually fixed it within a few days. Of course, if they are re-converting the older DVDs, they might not worry about an older corrupted file.

11-03-08  05:55pm

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tobi (0) REPLY TO #3 - Toadsith :

Hi, I think most of the vids are still DRM. My estimation on DRM-free stuff would be 20-30.
11-03-08  06:08pm

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Toadsith (0) REPLY TO #4 - tobi :

A healthy start - cool, thanks for the info :-)
11-03-08  06:12pm

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Lionheart (0) Great review, what's holding me back from joining this site is the DRM protected videos, but with that slowing changing I might join this site soon.
11-04-08  12:59am

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ace of aces (0) REPLY TO #3 - Toadsith :

Sex Box is drm free? do you know how many videos are drm free?
11-04-08  08:31am

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Toadsith (0) REPLY TO #7 - ace of aces :

According to EuroRevenue's news page, on September 23rd, GGGSexBox.com went 100% DRM-Free - not just some, all! :-D

You can see the news announcement here:


11-04-08  08:35am

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ace of aces (0) REPLY TO #8 - Toadsith :

that was quick!
but like everytime we are fucked in germany. drm was falling, but now they want for german users an age verification pass LOL. it costs only arround 20 $ but still a joke. am i not verified enough when i pay with my credit card???

11-04-08  08:56am

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Toadsith (0) REPLY TO #9 - ace of aces :

Damn - seriously?? That is fucking lame - if I were you, I'd take those $20 and spend it on an IP spoofing program so you can port through an American IP, lol - you know, just to spite them :-D
11-04-08  09:44am

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ace of aces (0) REPLY TO #10 - Toadsith :

hehe...if you know how to fool them you`re lucky, but in my case i am happy if i can do the basics with my computer ;)
11-04-08  12:04pm

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RipRap (Suspended) When you say "nothing is DRM protected anymore", does that mean you checked each and every single video on GGG and VERIFIED that DRM was no longer on ANY of the files?

If so, can you please tell me how you did your verifications and exactly how many files are on GGG at the moment.

Thank you.

This will help me to double check my own intensive re-review and Anti-DRM check of GGG that I am currently in the process of.

12-13-08  09:29pm

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tobi (0) REPLY TO #12 - RipRap :


I checked the new ones as well as older ones. Not every single file but all files I downloaded (more than 50 so far) come in mpg4 formate and are not DRM protected. very nice quality.
They totally renewed their site and got rid of the wmv formate.
Trust me, there is no DRM anymore.
This is one of the best sites available.

12-16-08  08:05am

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RipRap (Suspended) REPLY TO #13 - tobi :


TYVM for your reply.

I am also currently downloading and checking all of the files at GGG.
I was just wondering if you had already done so, I did not want to duplicate efforts.

I agree. I love GGG and the other JT websites. The only drawback was the DRM.

Once I have confirmed that ALL of the DRM has been removed, (I am very anal as I am sure you can tell) I will be posting an updated review of GGG.

Based on what I have seen so far, GGG is a 5 STAR site and will be getting a much better rating than my current one.


12-16-08  08:53am

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tobi (0) REPLY TO #14 - RipRap :

Hi RipRap,

you are most welcome. I see we have the same taste for good facials and cum action. You are absolutely right JT sites are 5 stars worth.
If you have other recommendations please communicate.
All the best


12-16-08  05:31pm

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