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Visit Exploited Teens

Exploited Teens (0)

blaze588 (0) 11-07-08  12:12pm
Rookie Badge TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: the girls are hot and young,
Cons: - all first person video.
- hardley ever see the whole body of the girl, if you do it's only a quick pan shot.
- the guy is a dork and ass to these girls.
- same corny jokes and same lines get old quick
- webmaster never responed back, sent 3 emails, site suckssss
Bottom Line: i use to like this site. very hot girls, hard to find true young hot amatuers. some are pros' but majority are amateurs.

after joining for like the 3 rd time i got tired of his corny jokes and how he treats the girls. same old lines, same POV shots etc..... it's old and needs a change.

i joined with the intention of getting a free member ship to exploited black teens. my password didn't work for the black site. after repeated emails to webmaster he never answered. screw them NEVER JOIN THIS SITE.

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Review Replies (2)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


Thagnut (0) You joined 3 times, and you're giving this guy a rating of 50?

You were obviously a happy, loyal customer at one point, even if now you're a bit bored with his material.

The guy's trying to make a living off this website and you're driving the customers away.

Don't be an a**hole.

If you wanted to sign up 3 times, it deserves at least an 80.

03-21-09  04:24pm

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blaze588 (0) REPLY TO #1 - Thagnut :

dude you ever watch a movie and be amazed at how good it is, then a few months later see another movie and be like holy shit this movie is alot better than that movie.

my opinon can change, after looking at more than 10 or more teens websites i relize this guy is an asshole to these women. he treats them like crap. i will never recommend that site or give him any money from me.

thats fine if u disagree, that is why there are comments forms. i even explained my reasoning for not likeing it dumbass. so u make no sense, i gave my reason, just because u think that is a great website, don't blame me for not likeing it.

03-22-09  05:24am

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