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VideoBox (0)

Denner (0) 11-15-08  07:52am
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Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: Videobox has risen to a faboulous place with still more great content.
None exclusive, by all means, but a pornsite with a zillion clips from videos at the market in general for almost every taste.
Better quality lately, better variation in general.
New standards for later video-quality.
740x480 (sorry: 720x480) fine HD-videos/DVD and streaming
Lower solutions/ipod and one fine item:
Custom Clips - see a part of a scene without having to download it all - GREAT!
Fine download speed.
Cons: Non exclusive!
Some navigation-problems - still.
Above includes search-problems where you have to use a lot of time to exclude certain search-objects.
No photos.
Massive search made my browser to get into problems? Do not know why.
Too little solo-girl stuff ( for this user).
Bottom Line: Generally our well know VideoBox has gone to the better - on all items.
I've found a heck of a lot of stuff from speciel interests: A far better and larger variation of latina-videos, great euro-ditto, some very fine teen-stuff and some great video from very rare productions.
VideoBox now has more videos from Private, 3X and the great Combat Zone.
The navigation towards "studios" - or producers are just tops. Way over 100 different producers are at your browsing-service.
But of course, this is a site where you browse through - somewhat - wellknown porn-vids. that for most has been availeble at most shops - but here you just download all you want.
Since I first was a member long time ago, Videobox now has grown into a far better and more attractive site:
First of all the quality of later video (from this year) the quality has grown far better. Formerly I did not care to download socalled HD or DVD-size, because the WMV-high was quite close. (640x480).
But bottom line:
Videobox is with a good price - both standard and DVD - a fine place to do your porn-browsing - now.
I'm much more positive about the site than I was a year ago or so.
Fine improvements here.
Recommended more than ever.

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Review Replies (2)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


pinkerton (0) "740x480 fine HD-videos/DVD and streaming"
Surely you mean 640x480? I couldn't find anything that was 740x480

11-16-08  02:04am

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Denner (0) REPLY TO #1 - pinkerton :

I'm certainly not a tech-wizard here - but according Windows XP, those files I mentioned are 720x480 (not 740, sorry) - there are ALSO files at 640x480.
But bottom line - the fullscreen quality has improved a lot for most newer clips...

11-16-08  05:57am

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