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Visit German Goo Girls

German Goo Girls (0)

farnsbarns1 (0) 11-23-08  04:27am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Im glad to be the first to announce that GGG seem to have now removed the DRM on all their movies. There are 18 pages of full length DVDs in MP4 format - 17-18 DVDs per page. I was a member for a few days when Bam the site completely changed its appearance. The movies had changed to MP4 format and as yet I havent downloaded a DRM file. I use an XBMC modified Xbox to view porn and they play on this as well as conventionally on the computer. Quality is very good. I have been downloading the medium quality files at around 700mb which are very good but the high quality files are about 1gb in size.

The videos offered are of course famously unique.Extreme bukakke, cum eating out of glasses, off plates, through straws, from spoons and bowls, out of other girls mouths,vaginas and asses. If girls eating massive amounts of sperm in elaborate and graphic ways is a turn on for you, which it is for me, then this is a must have site.
Cons: Still no download managers allowed. When will porn sites learn that DRM and no download managers are the biggest turn off. A site with these restrictions must have extra special content if customers are not simply to go elsewhere. Any site that has these restrictions is going to lose alot of potential members.

The content is extreme, unique incredible and for those that like this sort of thing like me great porn however it could be alot better.

The videos are very badly shot. Poor lighting makes them dark, poor direction and the women would look better with professional make up and better lingerie. The videos look like they have been shot in a warehouse. Put these things right and they would be unbeatable.

The girls gargle with the sperm too much. This turns the sperm into foam which no longer looks like sperm. More holding the sperm in the mouth calmly until the girl is holding a full mouthful would be sexier. Jules Jordans has perfected this with superbly shot Sperm Swallowers
Bottom Line: Pure filth which Im sure you'll agree is good thing. Amazing, great, never seen anything like it but could be twice as good if the production values were increased and the films were shot in well lit studios by a competent director with well presented girls. Much more attractive now that the DRM has gone. If you like to see girls with mouthfuls of cum you wont be disappointed.

Im giving the site a score of 85. If the problems were put right I would score it 100.

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Review Replies (4)

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Toadsith (0) That is wonderful news about the end of the reign of DRM at GGG! I've been waiting for that day for many years, and have signed up multiple times despite it (and as I have ways, tedious ways but still ways, around it).

As for your Con about the video style - I certainly understand how you could hate it. It is extremely harsh, makes much use of being hand held and the sets and costuming are aggressively unpolished. However, having watched years of John Thompson's work, I assure you this is very intentional and the camera operators are quite skilled. Despite making use of the mobility of a hand held camera (shooting extreme low angles, between appendages, et cetera) rarely do their videos exhibit that nauseating shaking and lost sense of purpose (aiming randomly around the scene). So my point is simply that they have developed this look and maintain it quite diligently - while I would never photograph a scene this way myself, I fear GGG wouldn't quite be the same without that style. It is the type of pornography that still manages to polarize people, and that is admirable in a society that is so numb to so much.

Anyway, thanks for the interesting review and the good news.

11-23-08  05:30am

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Jay G (Disabled) Good news. The end of DRM cannot come fast enough. I've never had a good experience with streaming video or DRM, they just don't play well and it really seems DRM interferes with playback of any sort. I don't tend to "collect" porn for long periods (I periodically purge my porn and start collecting all over again), but DRM never really worked for me because it DOES interfere with good playback of videos.

Thanks for the review.

11-23-08  11:25am

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tobi (0) Very good review. What is the resolution of the vids. Is is now 640x480 in general or are still older vids in 400x300?
Nevertheless thanks for this. I'll join again soon.

11-23-08  11:45am

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farnsbarns1 (0) REPLY TO #3 - tobi :

I dont know what the resolution is as my computer does not reveal this in the folder view for this format but I see that events have overtaken your question and you have joined the site and have found out the information for youself. Enjoy!
11-29-08  03:45am

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