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mbaya (0) 12-11-08  07:00am
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rules for shooting in public

When the site was launched this fall, there was a lot of concern being shown in the members forum about the legality or appropriateness of shooting in public. The outdoor scenes were deliberately shot in Eastern Europe, where laws are less strict than in the US, as well as the fact that penalties and fines are lower. Immediately members from Eastern Europe had a lot to say. What also generated a lot of criticism from members was that many scenes seemed to show no concern if children, or even adults were witnesses without their consent. The rules at present do not permit children to be witnesses, nor unwilling adults. Many scenes have cars passing by. How can anyone know if there are children in the cars? How can anyone know if the adult passengers consented? These are still unanswered questions in my opinion. While the site is very exciting, are they following their self imposed rules? Are they violating any laws? Who knows.

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apoctom (0) mbaya,

You raise some very interesting points about the site. I only recently heard of this addition to Kink.com and I had the same questions about legality of shooting in public. Finding out that they shoot in E. Europe helps some, but the lack of control over the environment, while the main part of the attraction, also makes me nervous about the site.

I hope that somebody associated with the site will address your concerns.

12-11-08  07:25am

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mr smut (0) Hello mbaya,

these are very good and critical thoughts. I agree with apoctom that someone from kink.com should answer these. In any case it's definitely not allowed to let children be witnesses of what happens while they shoot these scenes.

My other great concern is that the models will be those that get fined or maybe arrested for what happens in front of the lenses.

12-11-08  10:48am

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Wittyguy (0) Mmmm, this is a tough one. Are they breaking the law? In the US some states have laws against public nudity but they can sketchy and not uniformly enforced (some states might also have laws against public sex acts but I don't know). If there is one distinction to make it is between exposing children to pornography and children coming across sex acts. If the producers showed porno movies in public then they would be in big legal trouble if children saw it. Filming people going at it in a public setting is a grayer issue. Hard to say. Sounds like a great PU forum topic, I would suggest reposting your comment there for more feedback.
12-11-08  12:06pm

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