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Visit Sex And Submission

Sex And Submission (0)

mbaya (0) 12-18-08  09:57am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Many very attractive pornstars.
-Multiple scenes from Eva Angelina, Bobbi Star, and Jada Fire. Jada's best workever.
-Ethnic mix of white, black, Latina and Asian models.
--No DRM or download limits.
-Archive of 205 videos, going back to May 2005.
-Newest videos are about an hour long.
-Supports download managers with excellent download speeds. Mine was 2500kb.
-Videos available as excellent DVD quality MP4 or as WMV 1280x720,7158kbps. Older videos are lower quality.
-Videos can be streamed. Downloads come as clips, while whole videos can be zipdownloaded, and in a few cases can be downloaded as whole videos as well as in clips.
-Photosets for every video. Can be zipdownloaded. They are screenshots that are 1200x675 and very sharp.
-Exclusive material. Mostly known pornstars.
-Mostly the girls seem to be really into the action. They don't come across as acting. The site claims the girls are told not to pretend, but to have genuine reactions.
-Updates at least once a wk
Cons: -Too many pornstar looking typical bleach blondes.
-All videos shot in the same location. A little variety would be better.
Bottom Line: This is a light BDSM site, so it is not for everybody. This is my second membership in this site. It has gotten better and better over the last two years since I was last a member. This is the highest that I have ever rated any site, regardless of niche. There is a lot of great sex along with the BDSM, and can be VERY hot. The only site in this niche that comes even close is fuckedandbound.com, but this is much better both in the sex and in the dominance. I am much more into the sex than in the BDSM aspects and can tell you that the sex is amazing. If you like the niche, you cannot do better than to join this site. It has a very large archive of high entertainment value videos and great quality that can be compared to the best videos available on the net.

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Review Replies (3)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


Jay G (Disabled) Enjoyed your review. I've come back to S&S several times since I joined it at the beginning and agree about the improvement. My expectations for higer quality pictures and vids have definitely increased over the years for all sites.

Maybe the effort to show the consentual side of S&S makes it a "lite" site. But it definitely fills a nice niche for those of us who like pretty girls, somewhat red asses, a little bondage, and passionate sex.

12-19-08  06:34am

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Tree Rodent (0) Good review, even though the site does look a little light for my taste. May be worth checking out.
12-19-08  04:05pm

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - Tree Rodent :

The emphasis is on the sex more than on the dominance. If you need more info on the dominance, please ask. It is not tame, just not the focus.
12-20-08  12:07am

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