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Visit Killergram

Killergram (0)

picdude (0) 12-26-08  09:04am
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The future of British Porn

If you didn't know already Killergram is British porn at it's Best.
There is a wide variety of scenario's presented her from Dogging to Gloryholes. The site is packed full of babes with many of the hottest thankfully making reapeat appearances (such as the Stunning blond Delta white). The site is regularly updated and the quality of the videos are fantastic (the the content very rewatchable)
I don't spend too much on porn however it is one of the sites I would resubscribe to (I usually join every 4 months)
The great thing about the website is that without being a member it is very clear what the new updates are and how many vids are available.

The only thing that I could really moan about is the lack of members resources such as a forum etc.
A website you should join at least once.

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Denner (0) As the first reviewer of this site at PU just a few words in reply to this:
Guess it may be the best british site overall - have not been to all -:)

I gave Killergran an 88 in that first review. Still - "after all these years" - or less - it's not over the famous 90.
Killergram certainly does some good with a lot of fine/decent porn. And with a lot of great models (yes, like Delta White, for one). But Killergram are not getting much better - except from more videos/even with some new models.
The reason seems obvious to this pornuser: The scenes/the editing are too similar - even with new models and with new "stages"...(like more scenes named af "Streetgirls" - just an exampel).
But when it comes down to reality, the "fuckscenes/videos" are too much alike....then again that may be the biggest problem at most sites...

12-26-08  09:17am

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picdude (0) REPLY TO #1 - Denner :

Interesting reply,

Having looked around at quite a few British porn sites the (depending what you are looking for) I'd say this is by far the most professional website with large amount of content, other British porn sites are so often too amateur (though that is often their appeal)
I would put this site up with some of the big US sites like Brazzers and Naughty America in KG's style.

I will admit you are right about the similarity in editing between videos however thats something that is very difficult to change and does it really need to change?

I suppose I would give Killergram 95/100 as more a comparison score that is it is not perfect but it is a whole lot better than most other sites.
Killergrams flaws are why I am not a permanent member however it's features are what draw me back several months later.

12-26-08  09:33am

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Denner (0) REPLY TO #2 - picdude :

I agree that Killergram is probably the best tip for a top british pornsite now...
This user is a fan and a neverending searcher for brit-porn - and it's slim. Got some soft-sites as favorites, but still looking for the british stuff. And oh, yes, Killergram did a lot - maybe this user just got tired of those "same ol' scenes, don't know - would it not be great if some other kind of british hc-site could grap a hold of those models and make new kind of scenes - well, we can all dream...

12-26-08  09:40am

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