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Brazzers (0)

TrashMan (0) 01-01-09  12:05am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +HQ images AND screencaps provided with every scene
+Every movie provided in split scenes and full scene, and in 4 different formats (WMV, MPG, DivX, MP4 portable), as well as streamed flash.
+Search function searches over all networked sites. All are high quality with excellent resolutions.
+Continuous updates (2 scenes/day) with list of upcoming updates
+Every scene is tagged with the PROPER ACTRESS NAME and relevant tags
+Ability to rate scenes on 10pt scale and comment on them.
+100% original content
+Official forum available that links to your Brazzers account
+Quality bonus sites (Slick Feeds, PlatinumDVDNetwork, Reality Network, Exclusive Network)
+Network pornstar listing, amazing!
+As a Brazzers member you get awesome deals to other high quality sites (Reality Kings, VideoBox, and Twistys)
+Works with all download managers.
Cons: -Some of the very old JugFuckers scenes are non-existent though listed on the site (all scenes prior to 2005)
-"Brazzers World" on the left site is puzzling. They seem like bonus links but they lead you just to the main site, as if they are referral links which make Brazzers money.
-I am really not fond of links to AEBN, SexSearchCom, and especially AdultFriendFinder. You rarely see quality porn sites provide referral links to these junky sites.
-So they just released MOFOS.com, but it is not part of the network? Weak.
-2 updates/day is somewhat disappointing.
-Not enough girls with natural A/B/C cups. Too much focus on girls with fake D-or-greater cups (problem for me is that most guys prefer the big fake tits, not the natural, lovely perky tits)
-They are paying too many washed up actresses to do more scenes. It is like paying Brett Farve to play another season of NFL.
-I liked Krystal Steele in her prime, but she looks terrible now. Stop making new scenes with her.
Bottom Line: The last two cons, while legitimate, were meant to be a little comic relief. So don't take them all that serious.

There are three sites every man should know about. BangBros, VideoBox and Brazzers. They are the top 3 sites in the world and not doing a review of the site would be wrong.

There is not much that Brazzers does wrong. Sure I listed a lot of cons, but they, for the most part, do not really affect how one enjoys the website (e.g. Its not like you are going to accidentally click those referral links. They are clearly labeled and in defined areas). Brazzers is THE model for how a networked porn site should be made. I have visited a lot of networked porn sites in my time and none of them beat Brazzers in regards to what is provided for the user. Since the advent of Brazzers, a lot of networked sites have been playing catchup and have been modifying and changing their site to rival the features that Brazzers provides, so in that sense Brazzers has been a boon for internet porn. There are some sites which refuse to change, but that is there problem. Brazzers provides users complete freedom with everything that is anything:
Download managers? check!
Multiformat videos? check!
Commenting and rating? check!
Networked search? check!
Streaming preview? check!
Linked forum? check!
check check check check check...
The site is an absolute pleasure to use, it is cleanly laid out, and I can find everything that I am looking for with a few short clicks.

What I like the absolute most is that they are impeccable with getting the actress names on scenes. It really stands out. There is no way that you will fail to find the scenes from your favorite girls as every scene is tagged properly with the girls' names, with no spelling errors. They also do not give girls alternate names (e.g. KarupsPC, CDGirls, AMKingdom are notorious for naming girls with names that are not their most common stage name). They stick with the most common stage name and thats it, no funny business.

And the price, that is pretty good too. $19.95/mo is not bad considering other sites want much more! Hell, the annual price works out to around $7.50/mo. You definitely cannot beat that.

Now as you probably can see, I have rated Brazzers HIGHER than VideoBox, but in my VideoBox review I said that I feel VideoBox is the #1 site on the internet. The thing is that I put VideoBox and Brazzers in two different categories. VideoBox specializes in non-original DVD/VHS downloads, where as Brazzers provides 100% original quality porn content. I personally prefer sites like VideoBox with the ability to download thousands of DVD's, and thus the reason why I prefer VideoBox over Brazzers. A few major cons at VideoBox (like the cast list errors and the 480x352 resolution for mid-res downloads) drops the rating below Brazzers a few points. But both are excellent sites, both worth the money.

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Review Replies (4)

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Msg # User Message Date


Tree Rodent (0) Well I can't say it isn't a thorough review, but 98!? Noooooooooooooo........

Okay I know it's personal taste and all that. To me this site is a total turn off. The reasons are, too many breast jobs, everything looks the same from what I can make out, too many tattoos, and too many over 40's girls. Once again it's those over made up girls with phony breasts.

There seem to be 2 types of girls. The blonde, looking orange from so much makeup, well over 35, with fake breasts so unnatural they create sagging lines from pulling all the natural flesh out of its normal position, so many tattoos they look like they've been in a bar fight with Mike Tyson, and won, looking like they are 50 trying to look 18 but ending up looking 70. Or there's the brunette, looking orange from so much makeup, well over 35, with fake breasts so unnatural they create sagging lines from pulling all the natural flesh out of its normal position, so many tattoos they look like they've been in a bar fight with Mike Tyson, and won, looking like they are 50 trying to look 18, but ending up looking 70.

Okay, you disagree and love the site, and its just taste and all that - but you have noticed these things from your review. 98!!?? NOOOOOOOOOOO.

01-19-09  04:43pm

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TrashMan (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - Tree Rodent :

I rarely downgrade on the type of content. The enjoyment of the type of content (be it the genre, the clothing, the type of sex, etc.) is in the eye of the beholder.

Personally, I hate the idea behind Ed Powers' website: some old fat guy screwing hot newbie chicks on the same bed...over and over and over. But the reason I pulled their rating down below a 60 was not because of the type of content. Sure I am not very fond of it, but the site is just generally bad - no downloads, all streaming, the quality of the videos are crap, updates post Dec 2008 are all but nonexistent, etc.

Same goes with Brazzers. I am not particularly fond of the type of girls Brazzers shoots for, that being the blonde bimbos with D+ cups, fake or real. But the big reasons I gave Brazzers a 98 is because the site is just a pleasure to use and everything about the site is a pleasure. The content isn't BAD, nor is it distasteful (see Max Hardcore for distasteful), it is generally well produced and well made. And couple that with a website that is one of the easiest to use and features everything you want out of a website, and you get a 98 rating.

When I rate a website I look for a list of things, and if they are missing then I start to downgrade.
That list (for sites like Brazzers, with exclusive content, not DVD-based content like Videobox):
*download quota, or lack thereof (Reality Kings marked down big from this)
*download manager support (jesus come on, this is the age of queuing files and letting them download overnight)
*proper named girls (is it that hard to get the names right and not use some alter ego?)
*videos accompanied by high quality images (hey I can understand websites like VideoBox not being able to do this since the content is not in their hands, but for sites like Brazzers where the content is entirely in their control not doing it is a major letdown)
*ability to download galleries in ZIP files (come on now, get with the times)
*high quality videos (there better be at least 480x360 resolution available, 640x480 preferred)
*site search (an absolute must for ANY porn site)
*pornstar list page (an absolute must for ANY porn site)
*a decent update schedule
*decent price (anything over $20/mo, forget it. $20 is like the break even point...anything above gets down-rated, anything below gets up-rated)

And these are things where I don't down-rate for not having, but will up-rate if available:
*screencaps from the video
*headshots of girls in a pornstar listing page
*ability to rate material
*ability to comment on material
*quality bonus material
*forum to discuss the site
*more than one format of videos (it is a lot of work and space to host videos in multiple formats, and those sites which do the more power to them)

There is a lot of other things I come across when rating porn sites, which make me either down-rate or up-rate the site, but when it comes to Brazzers there was not much I could find on which to down-rate.

01-19-09  05:06pm

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Tree Rodent (0) REPLY TO #2 - TrashMan :

Good reply. All of those things you mentioned are very important. It also shows you are thinking and using your own guidelines, which is more than can be said for some of the reviews. Clearly the site is customer friendly. I like your reviews I just hope you take the content a little more into consideration in the future. Even if you don't I would not argue against your right to set up your own criteria when reviewing. It is part of what makes the site so interesting. The only thing I would say is what about if you had all the great stuff that Brazzers has, and then has stunningly beautiful girls as well? Surely it would deserve more than 2 more marks. This isn't meant as a harsh criticism, more a continuation of my theme a few weeks ago about not marking too high, because then what do you do if a truly sensational site comes along? Okay I know - dream on, it probably isn't going to happen.
01-19-09  05:43pm

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TrashMan (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - Tree Rodent :

I think the only reason I docked Brazzers a couple points was because of the content, due to the lack of variety with the type of girls. As noted in my cons, there aren't many updates for girls (a lot of one-and-done girls), let alone a good amount of girls who have A/B/C cups. Another thing I looked lowly on, but failed to say in my review (but later noted in my review of Reality Kings) is that Brazzers focuses too much on a select few girls (e.g. Eva Angelina, Gianna Michaels, etc.). Reality Kings, on the other hand, spreads out their content over more girls...I don't remember the numbers but its like 24 updates for Eva at Brazzers, and something like 7 over at RK. And similar numbers for Gianna.

Reality Kings has a better variety of girls than Brazzers, but the Brazzers site is just a better and more enjoyable site to use. I think reviewers should put more weight on the design of a site than the content, because, what good is good content if you cant find it or get it easily?

I don't disagree with you that the Brazzers content is not perfect. It does get old, fast, especially if you don't like girls with huge racks. But that doesn't mean it isn't good. It is good fucking, good length, good production, good clothing, good video quality, good variety of type of scenes, good looking girls, quality male characters, etc.
Compare this with Ed Powers: poor quality videos, annoying old fat guy talking to the girls like a douche, annoying old fat guy with a puny dick screwing the girls, poor production, etc.

It is also important to note that big tits sell. Pornstars get implants because they know that the big bucks start rolling in with a huge pair. So to downrate Brazzers for catering to their audience would be incorrect.

01-19-09  06:02pm

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