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Visit Karup\'s Hometown Amateurs

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TrashMan (0) 01-13-09  03:09pm
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Mmm, there is this very cute girl named Kayla on the site, with a pseudo-tattoo over her private area (its not an ink tattoo, it looks more like a super sun-burned in outline of a heart). Wish I knew where to find more content of her. KarupsHA is one of the few sites with hardcore b/g content of this girl.

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exotics4me (0) TrashMan,

Try under the name Kayla Synz. I remember her from Karups and the outline tattoo of a heart. I checked videobox, they have around 15 b/g scenes of her. I found that from freeones. She has 120 or so results on that site, so you could probably find a lot of content added to the videobox by checking those out.

01-13-09  07:38pm

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TrashMan (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - exotics4me :

You are thinking of a different girl.

The Kayla I'm looking for is a brunette. Goto AskJolene(.com) and search for "Kayla Pantyjobs". You should get one result of a brunette in a teal colored shirt and yellow panties. Unfortunately the preview images do not show it, but she has this white outlined heart on her left pelvic area.

Actually, you get better preview images from the lone result when searching that same site for "Kayla Karups", although I don't see the white-lined heart on her pelvic area...maybe taken before she got it? Dunno.

She looks a bit like Rachel Ray if you ask me.

I found her content on:

01-13-09  07:49pm

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exotics4me (0) REPLY TO #2 - TrashMan :

Cute girl, that is odd to see a model with the same name and same type of tattoo. Drooler had a thread about recognizing models by their tattoos, identifying marks, etc... Looks like we're going to have to come up with a new way.
01-13-09  08:03pm

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