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Visit Hustler Unlimited, formerly Hustler

Hustler Unlimited, formerly Hustler (0)

TrashMan (0) 01-24-09  04:57pm
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Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: +Site interface has been improved over time
+Higher availability of studio movies than other studios make available on their sites (e.g. Vivid, DevilsFilm, etc.)
+Multiple formats, WMV, RM and QT (Quicktime is actually just MPG with the QT player)
+Three qualities, low, med and high (128, 384 and 768kbps)
+Videos provide download links, but...(see cons)
+Includes images sets from Hustler magazine issues, including centerfolds.
+$15/mo promo for Dvdbox, although TBP gives you this too
+Bonus Hustler3D game - based on Thrixxx's Jenna Jameson game
+Update schedule decent, but... (see cons)
+Newer movies list entire cast but...(see cons)
+Pornstar list, but...(see cons)
+List of all movies SERIES available (key word: series). They do a darn good job of adding all the movies to a certain series. Yes, they do miss one here and there, but they do a better job of SERIES completion than VideoBox or the sort.
+Movies are categorized by type as well
Cons: -Downloads do not work with download managers
-Downloads have DRM
-They disable right-click in certain areas of the page.
-Image sets not available as ZIPs
-No updates for 2009 yet. Last movie update was Dec 26.
-A lot of the older movies do not have cast lists
-Pornstar list is just that, a list. No headshot gallery or anything, no letter-by-letter list.
-Updates page only go back a month or two at most.
-Only 14 movies added per month - compare against 150 for videobox, 180 for videosz, etc. However that number will be going down for a bit as there have been no updates for 2009 yet.
-The newer movies label the scenes with the girl names, but the majority of the content (because it was added long ago) is not labeled, rather with a generic scene title - meaning you have to stream every scene to find the one you want.
-Newer movies have HQ at 720x480, but older movies, which make up most of the content, have HQ at 320x240, same as med quality.
-No preview images for ANY movie or scene
Bottom Line: Overall it is an OK site. I put it on the same level as Ten.com (a site I reviewed previously). It feels the same, but that is just my opinion. However Ten.com is better in the sense that they remastered their ENTIRE archive and removed DRM. It is a joke that there are still sites out there which use DRM, and Hustler is one of them.

Now, it is important to point out that the downloads are the only thing with DRM. The streams are not DRM - mind you that RM and MPG (the Quicktime option is straight up MPG) can't be DRM'd - so thats good. But what really irks me is that they are HIDING the non-DRM WMV downloads. The download links for the DRM WMV's are something like (these aren't actual links, just a generic example to make a point):
And if you just change the link to
you get the non-DRM WMV.

I can't stand when sites blatantly hide content from the users. DRM is an abomination, and porn sites which used to use it have removed it (e.g. VideosZ, Ten.com, etc.). Hustler continues to use it while hiding the real goods without DRM. So where you have sites like Ten.com which went out of their way to remaster their content and remove the DRM, Hustler does not have to do any work but make their non-DRM content available to users. Just takes a few clicks of the mouse, no extra encoding (or de-DRM'ing) required.
I was ready to give this site an 80, but I docked 10 points for the DRM and for hiding the non-DRM content.

Some of the other major rating decreases come from:
*Lack of update history - yes, you can see the last 1-2 months of updates but if you don't visit the site for more than 2 months you are shit outta luck.
*The older movies, which make up the majority of the content, have no cast list, do not label the scenes with the girl names, and have no preview images (no movies have preview images for that matter), so you have to use other sites like IAFD to determine what movie and what scene you are looking for. This is unacceptable for a DVD site.
*Image sets not available as ZIPs.

The regular price is $35/mo, but the TBP price is $20/mo. $20 is still rather expensive, especially for a site continuing to use DRM. Must miss? Eh, no other site leases Hustler content, so in essence, no. Just be aware of what you are getting when you sign up...DRM'd, low quality downloads.

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Review Replies (5)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


jd1961 (0) So the No DRM rumor is not true.

Too bad. Wonder where that rumor started?

01-24-09  06:15pm

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williamj (0) What a great review thank you for spending the time to write it.
01-24-09  06:27pm

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Monahan (0) Good review. But the DRM impediment would cause me to whack 25 points off the score. I joined the site a few years ago and would love to join again, but only if they drop DRM and do a better job on cast identification.

Strange how the first porn mag to get down and dirty with high quality and real porn back in th 1970's is now screwing the pooch instead of capitalizing on the real moneymaker in the industry.

Oh well. Their loss.

01-24-09  10:06pm

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Wittyguy (0) REPLY TO #1 - jd1961 :

Sorry, that may have been me on the "no DRM" thing that I saw posted on an adult business site that I happened to come across about a week ago. They had a headline saying that Hustler was quitting the DRM thing so I posted a comment here on that primarily to see if that was true or not. Apparently not but not sure when it is/was supposed to take effect but so far, no dice.
01-25-09  10:30pm

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jd1961 (0) REPLY TO #4 - Wittyguy :

I didn't mean you, I meant the origin of the rumor. You were right to post it to clear up the matter.

Now we know.

01-26-09  03:55am

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