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Visit Sex And Submission

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largeun (0) 01-29-09  11:30am
Rookie Badge TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: I won't repeat all the stats that others have done so eloquently here. So, I will keep it brief and relevant.

In terms of quality, it is excellent. The newer movies are top notch with good editing.

The women are well known but the slant on their presentation makes for a refreshing change. I have seen Trinity Post a gazillion times but not the way she is portayed on this site. The same goes for all the 'known' babes.

I like this site because it is not just focused on the S&M action but includes sex which, for me, is crucial.

The guys certainly know their thing and it always makes for a smoother experience.

Great 'feel'.

Sensible layout with multiple download options for movies and pics.
Cons: Not much content.

Old films are grainy.

Older films are grainy and almost invisible. I believe a gnat would have a better change of ascertaining the action within.

Misleading star search. I searched for Adriana Nicole and found many links for her but the way the links were presented they lead the user to believe the star is on the sexandsubmissive site. However, you are led to another Kink.com site whereby you have to sell an organ or two to join. This form of clever external linking is a new trend that is both annoying and underhand. Spreading content by the same star across sites under the same umbrella that require further subs is not something I like.

Could do with some different scenery and situations.

Could do with some fresh faces that we have not come across.

I need more ethnic babes, more fukin' stockings and classy outfits and maybe some bush would be a refreshing change.
Bottom Line: Refreshing and fucking sexy even if you are not into the S&M type of content, which I am not.

Great quality on the newer films and it's about time others followed suit.

Needs more content and more updates.

Needs an all-in umbrella membership so we can get all the babes under one roof. Hell, I'd pay the difference in price.

One of my favourite sites and very cleverly thought out to grab the middle market of dudes like me who like lovely babes getting a tad roughed but not bludgeoned beyond recognition.

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