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Visit Gyno X

Gyno X (0)

DutchDoctor (0) 04-16-07  05:21am
Rookie Badge TRUST USER?   YES (1), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: 1. Very realistic, which is important for gyno-lovers;
2. Real deep insertions of fingers, instruments and hands;
3. They are using enemas (bulbs and bags) as well;
4. Mostly male-doctors, which I find more erotic than girls with a red-cross cap playing doctor;
5. Patients are quite young (20/25) and goodlooking;
6. Easy downloading;
7. Long movies (ca. 45 min.);
8. Good quality of the movies;
9. Excellent photos in enormous series of 600/800 per movie.
10. Even pregnant patients!
Cons: 1. Language is not english, but somewhere from Eastern Europe, although understanding is not essential;
2. Needs some growth.
Bottom Line: This is by far the most realistic gyno-site. All scenes in a real doctorsroom with professional gyno-chairs, doctors-couch, gyno-instruments and real-looking male doctors. The doctors are even quite handsome, no stupid ponytails or tatoos, although mostly quite young.

Besite the doctors there are nice-looking nurses who are helping them spreading the butt-cracks of the mostly handsome female patients.

About 3 complete movies per month.

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