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Visit Real Spankings

Real Spankings (0)

Tree Rodent (0) 02-27-09  02:52pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: There is a model index.
They have an updates calendar.
Most of the models are attractive girl next door types (or would be if the girl next door ever really looked like that).
A massive catalogue of material to choose from.
Old and experienced site with a good reputation, and reliable billing agents, so you shouldn't be risking your money.
They do have photos.
No download limit.
No regional discrimination for subscribers.
Very good value at $21.95.
The clips are quite often filmed in real time, without too many cuts or unnatural breaks.
There are usually 2 camera angles. One for the girl's ass, and one for the face.
Cons: Poor and confusing navigation, although it has improved in the past year.
The videos are even at the highest 700 kb/sec rate, not great quality by today's standards. Some of the old clips are very poor quality.
No WMV, only a choice of Flash Player or Real Media.
The clips have watermarks that can sometimes be obtrusive and annoying.
The best spankers have disappeared. The more recent productions have been weak.
They went nearly 2 years without new material, relying mostly on what had already been shot, while they waited to move to a new studio.
Not that many models, few new ones recently. So you see the same faces, (or whatever) a lot of the time.
Far too many clothed spankings, especially in recent years.
Being American the cane is hardly ever used, and then only very lightly.
The photos are posed, and not from the actual spanking clip.
Too much talking.
Some of the clips are cut up into ridiculously short segments, sometimes straight down the middle of the action.
Bottom Line: Bottom line - very appropriate given the niche.
I was last a member of this site about a year ago. I rejoined because my computer got a virus and all my files were wiped out. I wouldn't have joined for the more modern clips. The best spankers Lady D left long ago, and Mr M is not to be seen, most of the time.
The recent clips I find far too light and usually with the model partially or fully clothed. I find this boring. The old clips are by far the best, but the drawback is the quality is quite poor on a lot of these. They are redoing some of them in a new bit rate of 700kb/sec.
The picture quality and sound has improved over the years as the content quality has decreased IMO.
Here is roughly the bit rate over the years.

2001 - 75kb/sec
2002 - 150 kb/sec. Some clips redone in 750kb/sec or 350 kb/sec from here onwards.
2003 - 225 or 450kb/sec.
2004 - 225 or 450kb/sec.
2005 - 225 or 450kb/sec
2006 - 350/700 kb/sec mostly from here.

Despite all the negatives I would still recommend this site as the No.1 choice for anyone who is interested in spanking but has never joined a spanking website. Some other sites deliver harder spankings, but here they are usually around moderate severity, which is reasonably safe, and almost old fashioned, for those who have an interest in this sort of thing. It is not my favourite spanking site because of all the negatives, but I still find it good value. It is almost the Video Box of the spanking world. It is like finding a 3 story warehouse of spanking clips. If you are looking for a clip in particular, it is quite hard to find. At least they have a reasonable model directory and calendar of updates. Last year I would have said this site has the worst navigation in the known universe, with the one exception of my girlfriend's map reading, but things have improved a little. The site now looks like something from the 21st century. A lot of faults, but is worth a look given the price.

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Review Replies (6)

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Msg # User Message Date


Tree Rodent (0) As a quick follow up to the review and because I do like to get things right, I would like to add that Mr. M finally makes a few appearances in the new studio clips. Not before time, and the whole site goes down the plughole.
02-27-09  04:40pm

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Jay G (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - Tree Rodent :

Always enjoy information from you. I actually like a belt or paddle to a clothed girl, especially on tight jeans. But, then, I guess it's different strokes for different folks, LOL.
03-10-09  07:36pm

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Tree Rodent (0) REPLY TO #2 - Jay G :

Ah yes, a lot of spankers do like the clothed spankings. At least with RealSpankings there's enough material to satisfy everyone's taste. The one thing I have noticed about the site which may be a bit picky, is if you go to the model directory, and look up a model, the list does not necessarily contain all the clips for that model. But then their system has always been a little haphazard.
03-10-09  08:06pm

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Jay G (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - Tree Rodent :

Yes, as usual, you are right on target.
03-11-09  05:11am

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John1 (0) You mentioned that this was not your favorite spanking site. What other sites with more severe spanking would you recommend? Thanks for the great review!
04-14-11  05:03pm

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Tree Rodent (0) REPLY TO #5 - John1 :

Hi John,
RealSpankings has moderate to hard spankings and is quite good, but Lupus/RGE is stronger, and generally well directed. Her First Punishment/Rusian Slaves/Nettles/Russian Discipline is all one and the same thing. They are the same production company with different names. They are harder than RealS but maybe not quite as hard as Lupus, but have truly awful direction and editing, and a really annoying top. By far the hardest is Mood Productions, who aren't even linked to from PU/TBP because of legal reasons. Dallas Spanks Hard deserves a mention too. He has a very good reputation for customer service, as do RealS, but I wont subscribe anymore because of download limits. He is similar in strength to RealS. Hope this is of some help.

04-14-11  06:23pm

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