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Visit Leg Sex

Leg Sex (0)

TrashMan (0) 03-05-09  12:46pm
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Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: +ZIP downloads of both 800 and 1600px versions of the galleries offered
+A lot of models
+Star directory with headshots
+There is a model search but it is only accessed on the model directory page
+They have all the picture sets categorized by model, yes, but they also categorize them by magazine issue, going all the way back to their 2001 series.
+Good mix of American and Non-American models
+All updates are archived back to 2004, retaining their addition date (however that date is not displayed on the actual page for the update)
+A little fun addition - feet around the office. A few feet pics every couple of days. This is a leg/feet site.
+Downloads work with download managers
Cons: -A good portion of the galleries are small...very small
-All images watermarked
-All videos watermarked
-Because LegSex has been around for a while (in magazine form, not so much for the website) they feature girls before their prime, and as such the girls use very old aliases (or other unknown ones). Maxxx=Brooke Stone, Scotti Andrews=Clare, Sheila Rossi=Tina.
-Most models are one-and-done, meaning only one update.
-They have movies, but they are so hard to find. You click the section titled "Move it!". Nope, its not called "videos" or "movies"..."Move it!"
-Downloads have generic file names (scene.wmv, 1600.zip)
-Videos offered only in WMV
-Solo content outnumbers hardcore content by a wide margin
-Update schedule stinks...2-3 updates per week, most are just image updates, not many video updates
-The tour page looks better than the actual members page.
Bottom Line: Just another porn site...put it that way. Not enough is offered to put it in the same league as DDF Productions' HotLegsAndFeet.

There are some old models on here who I certainly like and were looking for (Sheila aka Tina, Brooke aka Maxxx, Scotti aka Clare, etc.) but the site does not offer much OF THEM. It is one gallery here, one gallery there...and all the galleries are 20 pictures, standard. I think the pictorals are more, but there aren't many pictorals...most galleries are just the pics which were featured in their magazine, in other words, 20 pictures :P.

It says a lot when the TOUR page looks better than the MEMBERS page. The TOUR model directory looks so much better than the MEMBERS model directory.

It also is a pain in the neck that everything is so hard to find. I spend quite some time looking for the movies, briefly going so far as just assuming there were none. Everything is not named properly...Videos section is called "Move it", pictorals are called "Pic-toe-rals". Quit the fancy and just stick with what works.

If you want a Legs and Feet site, stick with HotLegsAndFeet from DDF Productions...its a hell of a lot better.

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Review Replies (3)

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Msg # User Message Date


Monahan (0) Being more of a tit man than a leg man, I still appreciate a gorgeous set of gams, especially when they are well photographed (or videotaped) and the visual exploration ends up in the magic kingdom where the legs come together.

This site had my interest (especially at the $20 price point) snd is (or rather, was, after reading your review) on my short list of sites to try a one month membership.

As always, TrashMan, your reviews are very helpful and always provide me with all the info I need to make a good, informed decision.


03-05-09  03:12pm

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TrashMan (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - Monahan :

I just updated the first bullet in my review. I forgot a couple words...namely "ZIP". I meant to say "ZIP DOWNLOADS". So if that makes any changes in your decision, my bad.
03-05-09  03:17pm

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #2 - TrashMan :

I'm not big on photos, so ZIP is a secondary thing with me. I want to see the babes active, not static.
03-05-09  05:06pm

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