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Visit Only Tease

Only Tease (0)

Denner (0) 03-28-09  09:28am
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HD Videos - looks like a scam

Just joined after receiving a mail that Only Tease NOW has HD Videos....
But it's nowhere near the truth or facts. Only Tease still has blurred and pale videos of about 50 Mb. Wrote the webmaster and got links to those socalled HD-videos (BTW: the same I can see at the member-section) - still it's the same low-resolution (they call it "high resolution", but the quality is nowhere near crisp) so:
Only Tease: It's NOT just done with some promotion-mails to former members.
HD-videos - it's a laugh!!!
And it's a pity - because some other photo-set stuff is just fine, but:
Let's get some better video-quality!!!
And the updates: Way too few compared to my last membership in the fall of 2008.
Your vast promotion-deals might be spend better on serious and qualified updates....
Might be back with a new review - the last was in December 2007.

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Msg # User Message Date


Jeffrey99 (0) That's good to see. As the videos were always pretty much useless before.

Is Only Tease still pretty much only a boob site? And not much full frontal nudity? I really like the site, clothing wise and shot wise but too many of the girls don't get full frontal for my tastes.

03-28-09  12:17pm

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Capn (0) REPLY TO #1 - Jeffrey99 :

I quite agree about the lack of nudity.

Whilst I really like a tease, I want the pay-off as well!

I was a member a few years back & requested they flagged the full-nude sets so I didn't get frustrated wasting my time.

They ignored me.

I cancelled.

Things don't seem to have improved much.

09-05-09  04:04pm

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