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messmer (0) 03-29-09  07:32pm
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Despite The Raves There Is Still One Problem!

So, okay, the price is right for PU reviewers, there is a huge selection (enough to make me subscribe three times over the months) but I think TheSquirrel is right when he states in his review that not enough attention is paid to niche content (fetish in his words). He also makes a comparison to a sweet shop and I find, through personal experience that, while they have lots of chocolate bars, there are next to no truffles and pralines to be found.

Everything is so much the same that only the low price kept bringing me back. They really have to start catering to a wider "audience" if they want to keep getting scores in the nineties.
Adding bonus channels won't do the trick.

In my opinion eighty is just about right. Strange that no one else seems bored.

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) I haven't been back to this site for quite a while for that exact reason - it got kind of boring.

And I seriously doubt the people at Videobox care what scores we give 'em, as long as the money keeps coming in. I really don't like equating them with one of my pet peeves sites - Brazzer's - but as long as people jump at a cheap price, there's really no reason for them to stop serving up the same old crap.

03-31-09  03:07pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - RagingBuddhist :

I can understand people going for cheap but can't understand a high rating for this site, especially since price isn't supposed to influence our judgment. I really believe that my last subscription WAS my last no matter how many DVDs they add on a daily basis because only the titles seem to change. Open any of them and after a while it's ho hum time. Unless you are VERY young! :-)
03-31-09  04:15pm

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Tree Rodent (0) I guess it hardly needs to be said that I agree. I think these people need to start concentrating much more on quality. From comments on PU it seems they also need to get some decent customer service, and also stop going down the road of trying to trick people into paying for something they didn't intend to sign up for.
03-31-09  06:23pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - Tree Rodent :

The latter is something brand new, Squirrel. When I was still a subscriber they didn't offer the extra channels. I really can't see where that would be of any benefit to anyone if one has to pay for them. They don't appear to be cheap.
03-31-09  07:08pm

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - messmer :

I don't think I have, but unless I've missed something in the rules, I don't think there's a stipulation that says we can't use price as a factor in our reviews. TBP just decided that they wouldn't use it as a factor. I never agreed with that decision but it's not my site and not my call. I know the cost of a site versus what you get for your money is always a consideration with me. Unless it's a niche site that covers that niche well, I expect to get a big menu to choose from. That's why Videobox used to be a 90+ site to me. At first, there was still tons of stuff I wanted for my collection and it was... well.. great! Now, as you and other people are starting to see, it's just more of the same, more of the same, more of the same.

I've thought about the age factor too, and there might be be some truth to it. But, what it really comes down to, is just what all you've seen before. It's only natural that the older we get, the less new things we'll see. But that expsoure to new things isn't uniform. Our reactions to those things aren't uniform either. If that doesn't make sense, let me put up a little almost algebraic-like scenario.

By age X, Person A may have seen all the amateur porn they care to see and they're just done with it. By the same age, Person B may have seen twice as much amateur porn as Person A but still can't get enough of it. (I think I'm person B, by the way)

And that's why I think Videobox keeps getting the reviews it does. At a time when more and more sites are going over the $30 a month mark, they still enough variety and enough content, for very little money, to keep people interested. I do agree that they'll need to expand their content if they want to keep people coming back multiple times. Hopefully they'll see that themselves and do something about it. I just don't expect it to happen tomorrow.

All of this is what confounds the hell out of me when it comes to Brazzer's - sure it's dirt cheap, with plenty on the site - but I don't see near the variety there as I do on Videobox. And it, too, stays high in the ratings.

03-31-09  07:50pm

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mbaya (Disabled) I found it boring as well. After a while the scenes seemed to be pretty much the same old, same old.
04-01-09  03:52am

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Skip (0) REPLY TO #6 - mbaya :

I have been a member about 7 or 8 times. The only thing bring me back was the low price and the ability to make video clips at any length you want.

That was the big attraction for me, and as for the content, Maybe 1 in 10 videos would to be my liking.

What finally did it for me was the billing fiasco, and lack of customer service when they added the premium channels.

Video Box has lost me as a customer for the time being.

SEE: https://www.pornusers.com/replies_view.html?id=32958

04-02-09  09:11am

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james4096 (Suspended) I'm with you on that.

I've been a member of the site a few times and am one currently. So I've had access to their library long enough to get almost all the back content from their library that I want.

The really do need to start bringing in more new niche content or just something slightly different. I'm probably going to stay a way for 6 months.

I guess this site doesn't deserve all the praise it gets here, but relatively speaking it's still a top site IMHO. We've all seen what's out there and most internet sites are a ripoff.

04-02-09  01:03pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #8 - james4096 :

I couldn't argue with you that Videobox is a top site, James. You do get your money's worth, especially as a PU reviewer. My biggest complaint is the monotonous sameness of most of the new DVDs being added. I think if they struck out into different territory once in a while (niche contents) to make their collection a bit more diverse they would be able to maintain their score in the nineties. But after three subscriptions my assessment is around 80. Still a pretty good score, I think.
04-02-09  06:20pm

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triplab (0)
I've joined this site 3x total, about every 4-6 months or so just to catch up and see what's "new." Gotta say, I put my CC away quickly when I saw the rate hike, and especially the "Premium" channels. What a crock of shit. This implies that what you are paying for is sub-par material unless you upgrade to Premium. Light-bulb moment ... it is. Just browsing the newer DVD's over the past couple months, I completely agree that Vid-Box has jumped the shark and that everything posted looks like repackaged and recycled tattooed silicon porn. That said, if the price were still the same I STILL may have joined again. It appears VB is not happy with the ga-jillions of dollars they already raked in from us and now must try to squeeze another gallon of gas from me - not gonna happen.

TBP should pay attention and start listening to their users too if they want to remain credible. Of course, VB probably pays them handsomely for referral sign-ups so there's not much motivation there either.

04-20-09  11:13am

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largeun (Suspended) At least they have varied content offering some ethnic shit etc but the resolution, premium channels and revamps of old movies into new titles makes this a non starter for me.

I have been a regular member of VB for the past couple of years but apart from their scene-scene selection function, they really have stagnated.

I am more into the hi res sites like DDFs Hands on Hardcore, Hot Legs and Feet, Sex and Submission etc, even though they update very slowly and milk you of every penny.

VB does need to up it's game and even though the sheer volume of content always gets my eye twitching, when I recall that I get agonisingly slow download speeds after 1.00 PM GMT and the material ends up being the same so so I realize that my money could be better spent elsewhere.

05-05-09  03:23am

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