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Visit Day With A Pornstar

Day With A Pornstar (0)

atrapat (0) 04-03-09  01:52pm
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Moved from Mofos Network to Brazzer's Pass

There's a notice at Brazzer's Pass members' home page saying they've moved Day With A Pornstar from Mofos Network Network to Brazzer's Pass. Currently, scenes are still listed at Mofos Network but there are only 19 scenes there and video downloads don't work while there are 22 at Brazzer's Pass (Mofos Network's 19 plus 3 new ones).

According to the notice, the reason for this change is that Day With A Pornstar did not fit the Mofos Network identity. I think they are right; I've only watched some stream bits at Mofos Network but Brazzer's Pass seems a much better place for it.

The notice also says that other site transfers might happen in the future. Can She Take It looks like a perfect candidate for making a similar move.

There's no notice at all regarding this transfer at Mofos Network.

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Wittyguy (0) I've been trying to figure out what identity Mofos has in comparsion to Brazzers? I assumed Brazzers was just branching out to generate more revenue, just rebranding their stuff for the new place.
04-03-09  04:07pm

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roseman (Suspended) That's right :-)
04-04-09  02:10am

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atrapat (0) REPLY TO #1 - Wittyguy :

The vast majority of Brazzer's Pass current sites cater for the "white porn star with big fake boobs fucked by big cock" niche. It looks like most criticism to Brazzer's Pass for creating Mofos Network has been for the couple sites that overlap with typical Brazzer's Pass content. Day With A Pornstar is perhaps the best example but Can She Take It also has the same problem.

Mofos Network minus this couple sites becomes a different network geared towards other niches like real legal teens (College Bash or Teens At Work) and interracial (Mofos Worldwide or Milfs Like It Black).

Looking at the stars that have the most scenes at Mofos Network it also looks like they are looking for something different: most girls are much younger and have natural tits. There's also a higher percentage of asian or black stars.

So, my wild guess is they want to focus Brazzer's Pass on what they are best known for and try to make something different at Mofos Network.

04-04-09  03:50am

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