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MetArt (0)

zzzins (0) 05-10-09  03:56pm
Rookie Badge  Pollster  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: + Features just about the most gorgeous girls on the planet....naked!!! How does that work?!?
+ Huge resolution photo sets
+ Great download manager support with no connection limits
+ All pic sets available in 3 different sizes - all zipped
+ Nice favourites, voting, and model index system
+ Very regular updates
+ Good value for money
+ enormous back catalogue
Cons: - Some videos are poor (not all though by any stretch)
- No explicit content - a lot of the girls don't even spread :-(
- Like to keep everything? You'll need a few Terabytes of HDD lying around
Bottom Line: In my eyes the best picture based, non hardcore site on the internet. No question worth the monthly subscription (currently $30 per month, $60 for 3 months or £100 for a year) - 4 updates a day (usually all photo sets but around 10 video updates per month instead of photo setse) - first day of the month is 6 updates.
The site is not explicit, there are no BG sets or insertions of any kind. The odd GG set is tame and not really worth the bother. The real strength of this set is the quality of the models. You know the sort of girl you see in magazines (the sort of girl that doesn't exist in real life - they're just too perfect)? The sort of girl you could never hope to get to first base with let alone any further. Well - Met Art is a strike for the normal guy - a chance to see what these perfect creatures are really like. What's going on under the clothes of a girl with movie star looks. Why these girls take their clothes off for money I have no idea - there's hardly a girl on the site that couldn't earn a perfectly good wage just modeling fully clothed!!

There's a pretty steady influx of new talent too - it's not like they've got a few top quality models to strip and stuck with it - rearely a week goes by without some new knockout talent appearing. And I cant' remember a day going by without at least one new photoset being worthy of...well...worthy of Met Art earning their money from me!!!

The site is quick to navigate with full thumbnails of everything and a full archive going back further than most of us have hard drive space for. Each model is fully indexed so - sea a girl you like? You can easily find all the rest of her content.

The servers are quick and there are no download limits - I set use FDM to run 4 connections and get very few connection issues. Just as well - there's currently around 1Gb new content every single day!

Only slight niggles:
-Video content is often just video of the photoshoots and if not - is often a little too arty for my taste - lots of quick jump edits.
-I'd like a little more info on the models - maybe some interview reels. Most models have a small bio text file but they are VERY short and not really that informative in most cases.
-There's maybe a little too much airbrushing at times but this site is all about perfection so I'm not one to complain about the webmasters going that tiny bit further to float my boat.

I can't recommend this site enough - if you're into art shoots then you'll already be a member, have been a member or have been living in a cave for the last 10 years. If you're into harder stuff then maybe this shou;dn't be you're primary site but...hey...we ALL like beautiful girls yes? They don't get any more beautiful than on Met Art.

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Review Replies (10)

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Msg # User Message Date


Monahan (0) Although I'm a video guy, I signed up for Met Art for a few months and was blown away by the volume and quality of the photo content. As zzzins suggests in his review, the videos are not why one signs up...and his comments are why I decided to drop the site altogether.

In photos, I prefer erotic over artsy fartsy, and Met Art does provide some good erotic stuff. But the majority of their material is more of the artsy style. There are no men in any of their material at all, no overt pussy or tit play, no insertions, but tons of gorgeous babes of all shapes, sizes and sexiness.

One other point. If you see a babe you'd like to see more of, you'll be frustrated because the site uses just first names and in more than one case the names they use are totally different than those used in other sites.

05-10-09  05:24pm

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #1 - Monahan :

Yep - all true. If you enjoy softer nude stuff well-presented with gorgeous babes - updated daily, this sites's pretty awesome.

If you're looking for boy/girl stuff or harder solo stuff, this site will frustrate the hell out of you.

I would highly recommend Nubiles.net for people that are frustrated by Met Art but like the type of girls that they post. Nubiles.net also has multiple updates a day, lots of great HQ masturbations vids, some boy/girl vids - and you can be delighted to find girls that went on to be notable porn babes who did great stuff here early in their careers.

05-10-09  06:04pm

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #2 - PinkPanther :

I hear you, Nubiles is on my short list to replace a site that I eventually tire of.

Interesting side note that shows you are definitely on target...Nubiles has a check box on their signup page for...yup...MetArt. (Unless you uncheck it you get a $2.99 trial followed by a full membership at $29.99.

05-10-09  06:56pm

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Jeffrey99 (0) Nice review. I've always wanted to give this site a try but I'm just wondering, do they start the photo sets off already nude? Or are they clothed at the beginning and then strip to full nude?

That was one thing that killed me about FemJoy, was that 90% of the gallerys the model was already full nude at the start. To me just kinda makes all the photos run together. So was just wondering if that's the way it is here?

05-10-09  08:20pm

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asmith12 (0) REPLY TO #2 - PinkPanther :

> If you enjoy softer nude stuff well-presented with gorgeous babes - updated daily, this sites's pretty awesome.
Do you mind if I amend it a bit? "If you enjoy softer nude stuff well-presented with gorgeous babes WITH BORED "I'M THE QUEEN AND YOU'RE DIRT" EXPRESSION CLEARLY WRITTEN ON THEIR FACES" - updated daily, this sites's pretty awesome." would be MUCH better description IMHO :-).

05-10-09  10:33pm

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zzzins (0) REPLY TO #4 - Jeffrey99 :

I'ts a bit of a mix. I'd say 8 out of 10 sets start off fully clothed and gradually strip. On average about 40% of a set of photos will be totally naked and most get progressively more explicit - although none get to spread pussy shots.
05-11-09  02:00am

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zzzins (0) REPLY TO #1 - Monahan :

Totally agree Monahan. I'm a video guy too but joined MetArt because the photos are just so damn good. I see the video content on MetArt as a bit of a bonus really - not why I joined but occasionally nice to have a vid of a girl you've been admiring the photos of. Uma B was a good example for me - major hot babe with about 5 photo sets and all of a suddden 2 or 3 vids appeared - a nice addition.

I agree with you regarding the model names but at least the names are unique. I'm currently writing a database/website to act as a central model "lookup" for as many popular websites as possible and will let the PU community know as soon as I have a beta sit ready to test.

05-11-09  02:05am

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Jeffrey99 (0) REPLY TO #6 - zzzins :

Thanks for the reply. It looks like Met Art is atop my list of sites to try soon.
05-11-09  05:51am

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Wittyguy (0) As some have mentioned, this site is definitely more on the artsy side rather than the erotic. If Met-Art branched out and did some shoots with toys and actual lesbianism it would score out at a 98 on a review for me. While the girls are amazing and there's tons to see it's just a tad too softcore for my long term viewing tastes despite my love of pictures over videos.
05-11-09  11:41am

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nutcrackr (0) Good review, I personally see the lack of explicit content as a pro as it keeps the standard pretty high. But that's just personal preference. Of course I agree that some of the recent vids have been sadly of photoshoots with the camera clicking and people talking in the background which is really unappealing - only Erro pulls this off. Really disappointing, when I look back years at some movies I see some quite good ones, but movies aren't the main thing here anyway. And yes download manager support is very good although others sites I use (hegre, met models and errotica archives) also support dl managers.
05-27-09  02:41am

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