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troglodite (0) 05-28-09  02:35pm
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Buyer Beware - Something Shady here

I don't want to make too much of an accusation yet, as the dust hasn't quite settled yet, but potential buyers probably need to watch out for this site (and others in the network). I joined up yesterday using the "free 2-day trial" option that rebills at $39.95. I noticed that there were 2 boxes to uncheck on the signup form, just like TBP reports in the details. I made sure to uncheck both before signing up. The terms & conditions (which I read) indicated that I would be subject to the $39.95 fee if I did not cancel prior to the end of my trial. No other charges should have been made.

After I placed the order, I got my use out of the sites (which were quite disappointingly small) and determined it was not worth the $39.95 to me, so I went to the cancel form (they don't use CCBill - red flag!) and noticed I had been signed up for an additional free trial (to accessdvdsnow.com) that would have also rebilled at $39.95 had I not cancelled it. Thankfully - I had the option to cancel both trials, so I did. A couple of hours ago, I got a call from my credit card company's fraud department asking me to verify whether 4 separate charges (I think all were $39.95) were authorized by me. I said they were not, so my card was of course reported compromised and thus I will have to have it reissued.

Obviously - I can't recommend that anyone sign up for these sites right now. There's obviously something shady going on if my card was charged for almost $140 when it should have been hit with only a single $39.95 authorization. Stay away for now - I will update if I figure out what is really going on.

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mbaya (Disabled) I stay away from sites with very cheap or free trials and then an expensive membership. This should be a red flag, along with not using the better known billing companies.
05-28-09  07:42pm

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troglodite (Suspended) REPLY TO #1 - mbaya :

I generally do too, but I make exceptions on occasion. Nothing shady had been reported on any of these sites' comments on TBP, so I thought maybe they'd be safe this time. Second time I've been burned that way. First time it has happened with a "Free" trial. Maybe it's time I start sticking to what's safe!
05-28-09  08:33pm

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asmith12 (0) Thanks a lot for the warning, though IMHO it is more of "Outright Fraud" rather than "Buyer Beware".
05-29-09  12:10am

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Lionheart (0) Thanks for the warning I was looking at this site when TBP, posted it. It has not been permanently removed from my list. Sucks that you have to wait for a new ATM card now, major inconvenience.
06-03-09  01:18am

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troglodite (Suspended) Just an update - looks like I'm out $39.95 on this one. My credit card company caught the rest of them and they never hit my account, meaning hopefully I won't have to do the whole dispute form thing again. I would dispute the charge with them, but I really don't think it's worth my effort, and hopefully my comments will keep enough people away from these scammers' sites.
06-04-09  06:42pm

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