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Nubiles.net (0)

Torn4do (0) 06-18-09  06:26pm
Rookie Badge  Pollster  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (1), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Huge selection of beautiful, gorgeous teens / young girls
- Consistent high quality - both for videos and pictures
- EXCELLENT navigation, directory and search function - these guys got it right! See details below
- Rating system
- Around 3 - 4 updates a day regularly, mixed of photo sets and videos
- Chance to read girl's BIOs and also to email them
- 3 - 4 different video formats + streaming option
- ~$25 / month - good price
- Good DL speed (see below for details though)
- A few Bonus Sites and sets, but really no big deal, don't sign up for them
Cons: - Not too much HC, and considerably less videos than pictures (a con for me personally)
- Download speed is acting a kind of weird
- Some sets just end before you'd get to see what you've been waiting for (although it is indicated if you pay attention, as it being only 'topless')
- It can't make me put a few more things in here without being incorrect myself and list cons that are not really cons, just not a part of what this site offers in the first place :)
Bottom Line: This site delivers exactly what it promises.
Nubiles.net truly offers an exceptional value at around $25 a month. Their selection of really young, hot, beautiful girls is almost unbelievable.

Design / Navigation: As I've always said, I don't care for some fancy design with crappy function. In this case, function is 100% right, and the design is OK as well. The first thing I really liked about the site is that the "Model Directory" can be accessed all the time, as you can see the 'starting letters of names' and a scroll down menu to select a particular model just below the menu. I mean, it just shows that the site is all about the girls on it - and we, members are all about seeing the girls too. :-) The "Video Page" gives you nice list of all the videos, with direct download links to all formats and part and / or full movies. Then you've got a "Search" option, which gives you all the preferences you can think of, such as attributes (like cup size, nipple type, hair color, length, pussy hair style, etc), outfits (bikini, glasses, socks, etc), actions and environment, and then if you only want to see girls, videos or pictures. So yes you got it right, 5 stars for their search function. :-) If this was not enough for you to find what you're looking for, you've got the "Hardcore Girls", the "Top Rated","Tags" and "Community Hub" sections.

Content: like I mentioned earlier, pictures are emphasized over videos, but it's not too bad. As a result for a search for pictures, I got around 3500 results, and around 2600 for videos. But for videos I have a suspicion that video parts count as well - UPD: ACCORDING TO WEBMASTER THEY DON'T! Picture quality was almost always very satisfying for me,usually getting a large and small resolution choice, where large is 2400 x 1600, and small is 1200 x 800, which is still OK. I loved that there's a quick gallery view, where I can navigate quickly, and had the option all the time switch between large/small, and also to download the whole set in a zip file. Number of pictures is usually around 80 - 100. I found the variety of locations to be satisfying, with quite a few outdoor settings, but I do have to agree with one of the previous reviewers: WE WANT MORE WET STUFF! :) The videos' resolution is around 640 x 480 most of the time, and are usually being offered in parts and as a whole, and full movies can be downloaded in 3 - 4 different formats (avi, mpg and wmv, +mp4), where wmv is the highest quality (1280 x 720), but for me .avi-s worked as a perfect compromise between size and quality.

DL speed: if I started downloading one single file, I'd get around 80kb/s-180kb/s. Interestingly enough, if I start downloading 6 files at a time, I still get the above speed for EACH of them. So overall, DL speed is excellent if you download more at the time (at least this how it worked for me).

Conclusion: if you like teens, and not only HC stuff, at $25 / mo you can't go wrong here!

[had to cut it short cause of char.limits :(]

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Review Replies (5)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


Goldfish (0) I agree, great site!
06-18-09  07:04pm

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PinkPanther (0) Well done review of a site that seems to keep getting better.
06-18-09  09:34pm

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Torn4do (0) REPLY TO #2 - PinkPanther :

Thank you! I don't know how the site used to be, but it was certainly impressive recently.
06-19-09  01:59pm

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Nubiles Captain (Suspended) Thanks for taking the time to give a review. I wanted to add the comment that while our policy has been 3 new girls a week and at least 1 of them does hardcore, lately I have been adding 2 girls a week who do hardcore. I am trying to push that as much as I can to get more hardcore, some weeks it will only be 1 but when I can do 2, I do it.

Also the reason there are more picture sets then videos is because when we started out in 2003, 6 years ago, we shot more picture sets then video however now it is an even basis for new girls. The search shows all the videos, not the video parts, although I can see how people could think that.


07-02-09  08:10am

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Torn4do (0) REPLY TO #4 - Nubiles Captain :

Nubiles Captain,

thanks for the reply! I'm delighted to hear your news about your efforts to put on more hardcore content. As for the video parts - thanks for the correction. It might really be only the way the search results are shown that made me make that point.

07-07-09  12:23pm

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