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Visit Karup\'s Older Women

Karup's Older Women (0)

james4096 (0) 06-23-09  06:23am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - no restrictions or DRM
- zip photoset downloads
- decent sized library of content
- exclusive content
- New HD videos look good
- 6 updates a week
- search function
Cons: - Average video quality on most videos
- Some of the models are barely "older women"
- Older videos split into clips
- Images could be larger
Bottom Line: This is Karup's try at the mature or "MILF" thing and I'd say the did a pretty good job. The women are between the ages of, I'd say, 30 and 60. Most of the women look like they are in their 30's, though there are more than enough fine mature women. So you will see some actual crows feet, stretch marks and surgery scars (these are not necessarily bad things). The women are good looking, you will not find too many old hags. The content is similar to what you'd see at All Over 30, even a lot of the same women. There's a mixture of well known porn stars and the women you only see at mature sites.

Photo content is grouped according to type. Those types are toys, action, uniforms and mature.
Here's the breakdown at the time of my review:
224 action (this is harcore sex, usually one-on-one)
204 toy (masturbation with toys)
147 uniform (themed outfits, usually office clothes or workout gear)
767 mature (Just regular solo shoot of the models)

And here are the videos:
148 hardcore (sex)
527 solo (interview and then masturbation, toys optional)

You can also find content by model name and there is a search function. There are not that many options for search criteria, but it can be useful with such a large library.

The majority of the videos are 640x480 2621k, which is just okay. However, they have now started to produce HD videos, which are 1280x720 4840kbps, and they look nice but there are only 3 or 4 right now. Some of oldest videos are only available split into 2-4 clips. Videos come in 1 quality of wmv and the newer vids also in streaming flash. I found the camera work to be a less than perfect at times for the videos.

The images in the photosets are 680 x 1240, but I expected better. The photography is very good though. There are zip downloads and slideshows.

As far as bonus content there are a few feeds which are not worth your time and then there are some sets from All Over 30 and Karups PC.

Overall I found it to be a pretty good site focusing on older women. Six updates a week is a pretty good rate, so the site will continue to improve especially now that they have HD videos. $29.85 is a little bit high, but it won't kill you. I downloaded a good amount of videos that I liked and will keep, so it was worth it for me. If you like All Over 30 you'll probably like Karups Older Women. So, I would recommend this site. You could probably get all you need in one month.

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Review Replies (6)

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Msg # User Message Date


Denner (0) Fine review here - have had my eyes on this site...

But one question: quality of videos.
The other Karup's - sites tends to have videos in a standard thats not fit for June 2009. Certainly NOT crisp.

You mention here in cons, james:
- Average video quality on most videos

Does this mean it's the same standard as the other Karup's-sites?

If so, I have to agree. It's a pity with the quality of videos at Karup's PC - because the models are getting better and better - if the videos were crisp - a site like that would be great.

06-23-09  02:49pm

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james4096 (Suspended) REPLY TO #1 - Denner :

What I mean by average is not up to 2009 standards. Probably 2007 standards. I'm comparing them to most sites. They don't look really horrible, they're like the vids from other karups sites. But like I said the new HD vids are much clearer.

I wonder why are porn sites are always a step behind in video quality?

06-23-09  03:04pm

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Denner (0) REPLY TO #2 - james4096 :

Just my thought, too - it's a bit strange that most video-quality are "behind" - because it can be done at a lot of sites - 1ByDay, even Nubiles now and a lot others. Therefor it's strange that a somewhat major site/sites from Karup's has such an awerage/rather mediocre quality in the videos - and it's a pitty - the models, style and editing are good...
06-23-09  03:10pm

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mr3633 (0) Thanks for providing up updated review of this site. I've been keeping an eye on this site and recently read somewhere that all hardcore movies had been updated to allow for the option to download the full movie in a single clip. Based on your review, it appears this is not the case. Can you identify a transition date as to when the Karups "Hardcore Movies" began to allow for full scene download? I'm trying to determine the amount of hardcore movies only available for downloads in multiple clips. This may determine whether I give this site a try or not. I typically prefer sites that allow for full scene downloads.

06-23-09  08:24pm

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james4096 (Suspended) REPLY TO #4 - mr3633 :

Excellent question.

From May 29, 2008 all movies were available in full scene and also flash. There are 41 hardcore movies that have full scene downloads. All older videos have not be fixed.

Strangely the solo vids started being full scene on Feb 24, 2009. and There are about 50. Maybe they are indeed going backwards joining them. ???

I hate split downloads too. It makes me skip scenes I would otherwise download.

06-24-09  01:45am

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mr3633 (0) REPLY TO #5 - james4096 :

Thanks James for the prompt feedback. At 41 full scenes for download, I will have to pass on this site (at least until they build up a larger amount of full scene downloads). It must be difficult for sites to go back and update old scenes for the full scene download option? I can think of another site (pink visual) that also has a large vault of scenes unavailable for for scene downloads.
Again, thanks for the clarification.

06-24-09  06:45am

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