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Visit Karup\'s Older Women

Karup's Older Women (0)

messmer (0) 06-24-09  01:03pm
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Reduced Quality Samples!

I keep going back to this site time and time again, tempted to finally take the plunge and subscribe and there's always something to stop me from doing so. This time the fly in the ointment is found in their limited tour.

How the heck can you judge the quality of their videos if they offer you a "reduced quality sample" only? The end effect is that those who are interested in videos will say, "I'm going to stay clear of this site because I'm not quite sure what I'll get!"

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Msg # User Message Date


GCode (0) james4096 just did a review on this site and I trust his judgements. Check out his review and ask him a question there, I'm sure he will give you plenty of insight as to what the site can offer in more detail if you need it. This is on my list to join ever since seeing shared content on All Over 30 when I joined.
06-24-09  07:32pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - GCode :

Hi GCode, I did read james4096' excellent review of the site, trouble is that what's acceptable quality for one is not quite so acceptable for another. The whole darned quality thing is so subjective.

For example, I'm subscribing to a site at the moment whose videos should theoretically be of outstanding quality, judging by dimensions (pixels), bitrate etc., yet the picture of most (in full screen) is really mediocre. That's why I thought it would be nice to see the real quality of the videos in this site with my own eyes.

06-24-09  07:48pm

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GCode (0) REPLY TO #2 - messmer :

Ah I see, I was just trying to point you in the direction to a person who just joined and could give good insight. Plus, james4096 has been very reliable in his opinions to me. I just can't believe this site would give a preview video in such shit quality for potential customers to rely upon for joining. Why would you not give your 'best of the best' in terms of quality to show off what you are producing for sales. I mean, it's borderline ridiculous and absurb IHMO. Karup's is a better known site that's been around for awhile. Plus, after reading the abbywinters thread on how much they were banking, it's honestly strange that a better known site (plus others) just can't go buy a extremely quality camera and produce quality videos these days and ages. I mean, this should just be a given and it's very disapointing. However, if you do end up joining this site, can you keep me posted on the REAL quality of the videos. I watch videos on a 42' LCD screen and I definintly am interested in this site after the shared content was posted on All Over 30 to every week to see. Take care messmer!
06-24-09  08:02pm

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GCode (0) Oh and btw, 640 X 480 is so below average these days and if that's what this site is still dishing out, count me out until they can hang. Just thought I'd add this in :)
06-24-09  08:05pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #4 - GCode :

Anilos spoiled me for good when it comes to Mature Women, GCode and any video of lesser quality just won't do anymore. FTV and In The Crack (2008>) are very good as well when it comes to the quality of their videos but neither is exactly fitting my primary niche which is "mature!"
06-25-09  11:37am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - GCode :

Thanks, GCode, that's exactly the point I was trying to make in my Comment. If you try to sell something wouldn't it be smart to offer a sample of the best that you have? Unless your best isn't good enough!
06-25-09  11:40am

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GCode (0) REPLY TO #5 - messmer :

Yeah Anilos is high on my list after talking to you about it 1 or 2 months ago but you told me to wait a few months so they can gather more material because it was a smaller site being new and all at that time. So I think I may join in the next few months so I can get more material but it is definitly high on my list for some time!
06-25-09  12:25pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #7 - GCode :

Sometimes we don't follow our own advice. I had intended to wait another four - five months before re-subscribing but am so hungry for some quality material that I am seriously contemplating re-subscribing during the next week or so! :-) I just hope that after my high praise you won't be disappointed once you finally join. I might also go back to AllOver30 soon, but in their case it would be for the pictures, not for their videos.
06-25-09  12:53pm

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malikstarks (0) REPLY TO #8 - messmer :

Hey Messmer did you ever join this site? I've been thinking about it since they seem to have more North American models it seems than All Over 30. Plus I may like some of the camera work a little better.

If so tell me what you thought.

11-22-09  07:58pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #9 - malikstarks :

Hey malikstarks, I was tempted a few times but after taking their tour I found too many models that did not qualify as "older" (at least in my eyes) so I never bothered to join.
11-23-09  08:09am

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malikstarks (0) REPLY TO #10 - messmer :

I agree some of them are borderline, I still may give a try some time in the future though. I like the camera angles they take pretty consistently
11-28-09  09:17pm

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