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exotics4me (0) 05-11-07  08:09pm
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Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - More videos than your local porn shop
- Classics all the way to newly filmed porns
- Can split scenes, cut out parts and all of this is easily done
- Navigation and site customer service are both great
- Surprisingly for a site this size, the search works pretty well.
- TBP price on DVD quality clips is excellent
Cons: - Well, you only get 30 days per month
- Maybe it is just me, but I don't always get good speeds downloading.
- Has little stiff competition from anyone so if they want to fudge a little they can
Bottom Line: I first joined videobox back about two years ago. I usually prefer solo or multi-model sites over DVD sites since I don't have a lot of fetishes.

I would still rate videobox the best value for your money IF you are just in the video collection group. There are no pictures, which I didn't list as a con since it is a site named "video"box. I do think the ability to cut videos is a great feature, especially for those with 56k internet, on the other hand, I wish they would give us that have fast connections the option of just downloading the whole DVD with one click. I think that is only fair.

A lot of what I like in porn is the sensual, tease side of it, so I have no reason to cut the early parts out of the clips. The selection of videos is getting better by the day. Something that I think videobox had a better vision for was the comment section on the videos. Some are funny, but most just annoy and often change my mind about downloading a clip.

I also have problems with my download manager working with the site. It will do fine on 3-4 clips, then it will stop and say, "invalid login name" on the manager, even though I have the name and password stored on it. I tried recently with around 200 clips in the manager while I was at work. It finished 8 of them, then stopped. Another DVD site that I reviewed does the same thing. All in all though, if it movies you want, this is the best choice to start with! I recommend it especially for new porn downloaders.

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