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VideoBox (0)

djwolf (0) 05-13-07  07:35am
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Hi all. Just wondering if anyone could give me more info on the quality of videobox. I understand their earlier movies are only average quality and some look stretched whereas the newer ones are much better looking. Is that right? What resolution are the movies?

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exotics4me (0) It depends on which pay option you pick. Regular price for the ability to download DVD resolution is $17.99, you can get it by going through TBP for $14.99, the $9.99 doesn't give you DVD resolution option to download.

The last one I downloaded was "Bait #4" the screen resolution on it using the DVD option is 640x480. Which is pretty good, not bad, but not great. From what I have noticed, the age of the movie no longer matters as long as you pay the $14.99 for the DVD resolution, I may be wrong on that, but all of those DVD resolution clips seem to be about the same size (in the 500 meg range.)

I would like to see them bump the quality up some, but considering the low price and amount of content they have, 640x480 will do. Hope that helped.

05-14-07  01:46am

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Monahan (0) They have occasional quality issues on VideoBox ranging from forced aspect ratios and discolored transfers. I have seen only 3 or 4 with aspect ratio issues (with about 1,800 full videos per year being added, a few dogs are no big issue.

The color issue (usually a redish tint) is caused by poor transfer from the original but is easily corrected using WMP's color adjustment capability.

Some "early" videos, meaning videos produced in the 80's and 90's, not early loads on the site, are low quality but that's because the originals were lousy (35mm photography converted to video).

The premium membership ($5.00 extra) provides DVD quality at 4+ times the size. A 25 minute DVD quality scene can easily run 500 Mb compared with a "High-Res." vid of the same 25 minute scene is about 80-90 Mb. In some cases the difference isn't worth the huge size but most are clear and crisp inb my 1440 monitor.

At $14.95, sign up and check it out. I am quite sure you'll love it. (I've been a member for well over a year.)

05-15-07  07:46pm

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wiild1 (Unverified) REPLY TO #2 - Monahan :

Monahans obesvations are correct. I personally think that the "DVD quality" vids are not good enough when compared to the filesize. Usually files this big look much better. There is not enough clarity and the colours are washed out compared to the best sites out there.
06-26-07  08:37am

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bobbyboy (0) Lots of content, but most of it is just crap. It's cheap at 9.95, I would never pay for HD for this site. But the price is the only reason I put up with the site
12-19-07  11:47am

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