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mr smut (0) 11-30-09  04:38pm
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Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: + 388 models (with >5,700 photo sets and > 1,400 movies) now and still growing even though some models come back by members request
+ 5 updates per day from Monday to Saturday (mostly 3-4 pictures series and 1-2 videos per day)
+ high quality pics in 2400 x 1600 resolution (only older content is in lower res available).
+ ZIP files in 3 different resolutions for all picture series
+ download manager friendly site (max. of 6 simultaneous connections)
+ forums for registered users (the owners, some models and photographers are regular guests)
+ very user friendly all my mails so far have been answered
+ no geo targeted pricing
+ best model search I've seen so far with almost no incorrect data
+ improved navigation now works 100% correct
+ calendar of upcoming updates for the next week
+ newest videos are mostly HD (1280x720 with ~ 4000 kb/s)
+ no download limit
Cons: - still some of the photographers are not using HD equipement for their videos
- only b/g and ladies on ladies movies come in 4 parts or as one large movie
Bottom Line: My first review from end of December 2007 gave AllOver30 95 points which wasn't o.k. at that time - at least I get this impression as far as I can see today. Many things have been improved in the mean time and most of my requests have been taken care of within the last 2 years. Ever since I have been a member of this site and to be honest I'm in loose contact with the owners. But in no way I'm employed there this is only because I want to be honest with my fellow PUs.

HD pix and videos came up end of April 2009 and ever since then new picture series are available with 2400 pixel on the long side. As written above some photographers still upload normal quality videos (640x480 resolution) but as far as I can the owners say they push them to deliver HD for upcoming shots.

Since I made my last review some things have significantly improved:
- pictures sizes are now 1024, 1536 or 2400 pixel on the long side and ZIPs are available for all sizes.
- recent updates now shows thumbs for the updates of the past week
- a calendar of upcoming releases for the next 7 days has been implemented.
- a slideshow feature is now available in the picture section
- by popular demand more models came back for new shootings
- the database for the model search has been updated with more information about older shots

One big shock for me was to see that geo targeted pricing was active when I wanted to re-new my membership in 2008. It took only a few hours after I informed the owners until they made sure this was no longer active.

A few last words … you won't find such rude things as fisting there, anal sex is also rare. Mostly you can see beautiful models in softcore and masturbation scenes. Normal intercourse will of course also be offered.

As far as I can say this is the best site for mature porn I can think of and now the 95 is surely o.k.

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Review Replies (2)

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GCode (0) mehh, I find the rate of finding daily updates a burden for mature sites with this site as no exception. The true 'mature' niche calls for a discrepancy amongst models and the need to update daily has put a damper on this site. With that said, this is true for the other two 'big' sites of the niche, anilos and karups mature women. As stated before amongst other convos in the forums and replies, I do see the 'plus' of daily updates for most users. However, in a niche like this where models appear to be scarce, in my opinion; the update scheme dampers the content. Don't get me wrong, I have reviewed and agreed that this site is superior in its niche but the need for such quick updates seems to create poor material in my opinion. This includes model selection and actual scene footage. I just wish that this niche would not want to update so damn quick and focus on good, quality mature models that are not only great looking but stay true to the niche. This meaning, as a member, I found a lot of these models here to be a bit unattractive. I do not believe these models are bad looking to age but I can imagine them not even be attractive while they were in their younger years. Why? because the need to update so quickly and not discriminate.

Anyways, I feel I'm ranting a bit and I want to aknowledge that this review is well founded. I can totally see why the score is as high as you gave it but I just felt as a member that the model selection could be a bit more regulated. Thanks for the review and believe me, I am a lover of mature content as well!

11-30-09  11:26pm

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messmer (Disabled) I definitely agree with the score, this site is the best of the three mature sites mentioned by GCode. My only beef is that there are not enough updates under the "Lacey Ladies" niche. Today's update with Erin L and Andie is an exception more than the rule and made my day. BTW, I also like their new rating system for the individual sets and videos.
04-02-10  09:27am

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