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RagingBuddhist (0) 12-10-09  05:29pm
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Does anybody else laugh as much as I do?

jimmy71 just added a security concern to the nice l-o-n-g list of concerns about this site/network, and I started wondering if anyone else gets as much of a kick out of the comments as I do.

I'll keep the rant to a minimum this time by just repeating my Brazzer's mantra - "Just say NO!"

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Denner (0) Strange with this one time pretty ok site - it has now turned into one of the most criticized sites at PU.
Not that I'm a big fan, but still wonder how things turned out his way...
Guess we'll never hear from the site-owners/webmasters. And RB certainly has got a point. Won't even consider to join again..

12-11-09  06:44am

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monty2222 (0) REPLY TO #1 - Denner :

From what I can tell they seem like one of the more unscrupulous among the bigger sites/networks. Pre-checked cross-sale that recurs at 30$ after 2 days, their own trial that recurs at 40$ after 2 days, advertising HD-content and then limit new members' access to it, maybe there's other things as well.

I've only been a member once, more than a year ago, don't think I'll join again in the near future. Their fixation on big (fake) breasts and big dicks doesn't appeal to me, in particular the latter is starting to annoy be in porn, all those humongous boners that are impossible to give a proper bj and also threatening to tear the models apart.

12-11-09  11:32am

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big johnny (Suspended) brazzers.com are the biggest con artists ever! DO NOT go there! I used to be a loyal and happy member. I canceled my account due to feeling i needed a change. However, their payment processor manstermed.com gave away my card details to its own 'affiliates' who randomly started charging my card!!! I told Brazzers.com this and they didn't give a shit. The content is good but their customer care sucks ass and they're thieves. Join @ your own risk people. (and make sure you use a credit card!)
12-12-09  08:02am

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