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Visit 40 Something Mag

40 Something Mag (0)

messmer (0) 12-12-09  01:59pm
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Thanks, Maggie!

I noticed in your review that you mentioned the intrusive watermarks. See my remarks below, so thanks. Maybe one of these days the webmaster will take notice and people like me who hate their big yellow glaring logo will be able to subscribe.

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mr smut (0) I just checked some of the content I downloadaed while being a member there and besides of the fact that the pictures I grabbed are mostly nice I agree with Maggie and you.
A pic of my favourite model Andie shot in 2006 and 809x1200 pixel large has a watermark of 297x66 pixel with the padding to the top and left area added it takes up 306x74 pixel which is annoying. That's more than 1/3 of the horizontal image area.

I'd really like to go back to this site but as they still use such intrusive watermarks :-(

12-13-09  12:01am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - mr smut :

If they don't want to change I think it would be more tolerable if they shifted the watermark to the bottom right, at least that way they wouldn't get into the model's face and hair. BTW, Andie is one of my favorites as well. I have quite a few sets of hers from various mature sites. :-)
12-13-09  09:22am

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GCode (0) messmer have you been a member of any of their review sites ever? If so, let's see a review or gimme some feedback! Seems like they may have the model selection right?
12-13-09  07:02pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - GCode :

I'm afraid I don't quite understand your question, GCode. The only review site I frequent is PU/TBP. If you mean have I ever been a member of 40 Something Mag the answer is no, because the samples I saw on the Usenet stopped me from subscribing. I always skipped them any time someone posted a batch or two. The models seem great but I couldn't get past that watermark.
12-13-09  07:50pm

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GCode (0) REPLY TO #4 - messmer :

Ah yeah I meant a review or comment on PU. I was assuming that maybe you knew the watermarks of the photos may be based on a previous membership that maybe you never reviewed/commented on. As far as the remark about any of the sites, I think (and think it is) that this company had a site that primarily was mature video content, while this particular site is mainly photography. I see now that the reply could have been taken the wrong way and I apologize, but it was a reply that was whole heartedly in good fun when I thought that maybe you were a previous/current member that may have not reviewed the site yet. Thanks for the reply :)
12-13-09  08:04pm

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GCode (0) REPLY TO #4 - messmer :

lol I totally re-read my reply and realized I totally messed up my question (I've had a few beam and cokes :)) I meant to say have you been a member of any of their sites and have maybe not reviewed them. Lol, I totally dropped the ball on writing that text, huh? :)
12-13-09  08:19pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #6 - GCode :

Yes I was a member of Score HD and gave a review of that site. I concentrated mostly on the videos because the pics were all screen caps. The Watermark was there but if I recollect correctly it was on the bottom in a more metallic gray and didn't bother me because it was out of the way. :-)
12-14-09  09:32am

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ace of aces (0) and what is that site in youre opinion? a 50 or a 80?
12-16-09  08:57am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #8 - ace of aces :

I gave it an 88, see my review of Score HD. But I think I was a bit enthralled by the HD factor, the other sites of the net were okay but not HD so if I were to judge the net as a whole I'd probably give it about 82.
12-16-09  02:23pm

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ace of aces (0) REPLY TO #9 - messmer :

ah, ok. as a matter of fact i am not a score fan because of theire video policy (difficult to find, meixed quality e.g.). therfore i won`t give that site a try . thanks
12-30-09  07:12am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #10 - ace of aces :

Well, you won't miss anything. I won't go back even though I gave the site a relatively high score for the sake of fairness. I am not a great lover of big breasts and they appear to major in that! :-)
12-30-09  08:07am

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ace of aces (0) REPLY TO #11 - messmer :

without beeing a lover of big breasts, most of the milfs and mature sites are nothing for you ^^. anyway, that site is nothing for me, as a big breast lover, either.
01-08-10  05:37am

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