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Visit In The Crack

In The Crack (0)

WeeWillyWinky (0) 01-10-10  08:33pm
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Getting slower and slower downloads

I'm on my second go round here and with a spankin' new PC, but my downloads are getting slower and slower. I occasionally get upwards of 700k a sec, but lately they've been hovering around 120k, sometimes lower. Not only that, the speed seems to decrease dramatically at first, then pick up very gradually.

I heard that AVG anti-virus slows down your system, and I recently installed that (not the free version). I wonder if that has something to do with it. I hope not. I notice that RB has noted slow server speeds. That's too bad, what with the large files here.

**edit: also not crazy about the prevalence of outdoors shoots for the newer models.

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Msg # User Message Date


williamj (0) I'm currently a memeber and the downloads are flying. 2.0k or faster for the past two months. Even the 15 minute to 25 minute clips download with great speed. I downloaded 5 different girls in about 30 minutes. Hate to say it but I don't think its the site.
01-11-10  04:52am

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PinkPanther (0) I just joined for my first time and like williamj, I'm getting very fast download speeds. I'm a Comcast.net customer and Comcast must have something that controls download speeds because 525 kb/sec is as fast as I can go - the downloads from In The Crack start at approx 670 kb/sec and get reined in back to that max speed - and stay there - they don't decrease or slow down unless I'm doing multiple downloads from various sites.
01-11-10  10:04pm

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) WWW-
If you think AVG is part of the problem, have you tried turning it off while you're downloading? AVG might've been the problem here, too. Try disabling it, then hit the site with a download manager. I'm now curious to know what your results would be.

01-12-10  06:26am

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WeeWillyWinky (0) REPLY TO #3 - RagingBuddhist :

I will try as you suggest, RB, and let you know how it went.

edit: OK, how do you disable AVG?

01-12-10  12:51pm

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WeeWillyWinky (0) REPLY TO #3 - RagingBuddhist :

Ok, disabled it.

File coming in at around 600k with AVG disabled, without download manager (I've never used one), which is on the high end of what I typically get.

01-12-10  01:05pm

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RagingBuddhist (Disabled) REPLY TO #5 - WeeWillyWinky :

That's good to know - I'll remember to do that next time I go to the site. Thanks for the reply.
01-12-10  03:21pm

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williamj (0) REPLY TO #2 - PinkPanther :

I have Comcast Boost and I can download new Inthecrack videos per clip at anywhere from 1.8MB to 2.7MB anytime of the day or week. Their downloads are super fast for me on Comcast. 20 minutes clips maybe 3 min. Older 640X 12 min clip in less than 1.15 min? Honestly I can't complain one bit the site downloads are fast.

I think your comcast connection must be very busy with traffic. I'm 2 mile from a major comcast hub so yes that may be a reason aka a very nice benefit. I do love Comcast.

01-27-10  06:12pm

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williamj (0) I just downloaded a 33:45 min video at 2.20MB/Sec 640/480 wmv in 4 min. I think thats fast for Comcast?
01-27-10  07:27pm

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WeeWillyWinky (0) REPLY TO #8 - williamj :

You mean, I presume, that the DL came in at 2,200kb a second? Holy crap, that's more than three times as fast as my optimal speed, which is around 700k a sec. I thought I had a reasonably fast connection. Yikes.

Oh, and by the way, the downloads have been okay for me recently, ranging from 300 to 700k.

01-27-10  08:39pm

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williamj (0) REPLY TO #9 - WeeWillyWinky :

2.20MB/Sec average for the 1920X1080 files that are 15 min or longer. 2-3 min max. If your getting slower,and I'm no expert, its your Comcast connection or your computer. But this site fly's for me all the time.
02-07-10  06:01pm

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WeeWillyWinky (0) REPLY TO #10 - williamj :

I don't have a Comcast connection, I have a cable connection. I never heard of Comcast before this thread.
02-09-10  12:29pm

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