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X-Art (0)

Denner (0) 02-05-10  07:49am
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This looks ok (great models) at the preview - but certainly NOT sure about the content - NOT from brummies newly review, anyway...

TBP states no videos, except streaming behind the scenes - though the preview say 'videos'. Even read webmasters earlier reply to Drooler - but I'm not more clear here.

Like lk2fireone this user would be gratefull for some usefull info/update - if anyone?

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adrenalinrush (0) X-art seem to trial and error anything to get more attention.

They have just started in filling their update archive with videos that are not behind the scenes scenes. They are somehow kind of artsy because of the usage of slowmotion here and there.

I am not sure if they might change things soon again. :/

02-05-10  08:04am

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Denner (0) REPLY TO #1 - adrenalinrush :

Fine info, adrenalinrush - thanks for heads up, here!
02-05-10  08:10am

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adrenalinrush (0) REPLY TO #2 - Denner :

Just keep in mind that video updates come every 14-21 days.
02-05-10  08:26am

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brig (Suspended) Hi Denner -

We've recently started shooting HD videos and adding them to X-Art as quickly as possible. As always, our goal is to produce the highest quality content possible.

If you're the type of person who appreciates really beautiful models, high quality photography & cinematography (creative lighting, careful editing, and super-high resolution) then you'll enjoy X-Art. Quality and originality set us apart.

You can see how many videos we have and how often they are added to the site by visiting our 'updates' page in the free tour.

Some videos have previews, so you can get a feel for the actual video content. For example, check out the preview video for "I Saw an Angel' in the free tour.

In the member's area, our videos are available for streaming AND download in .wmv (Windows Media) and .mov (Quicktime) format, at resolutions including full HD 1920x1080p, at VERY high bitrates. Again, quality is the name of the game.

Fans of X-Art also appreciate the fact that we offer a range of styles of photos and videos including:
- undressing and artistic nude
- solo masturbation with and without toys
- lesbian, girl/girl
- and even some boy/girl
Our philosophy is that many kinds of erotica can be beautiful if produced with an artistic eye.

I hope helps answer your questions... As always my goal is to provide fast and friendly customer support for existing subscribers and to help answer questions for people who are thinking about joining X-Art.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

All the best,

Photographer, Webmaster

02-05-10  12:05pm

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