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Femjoy (0)

Drooler (0) 02-06-10  03:20am
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Get It Ready Before You Announce It

FemJoy continues to post updates before they're ready. You think the new ones for the day are there, then you go in and instead they've got a default gallery of Corinna showing.

Would you leave home without getting dressed? Would you say, "Dinner time!" before the meal is ready?

I just think it's common sense to post for what IS posted (ready), and not for what is not.

Update Feb. 11th: They've been fine for the past few days since I posted the above comment. Hopefully it was just a temporary thing.

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Msg # User Message Date


adrenalinrush (0) That's something I haven't realised yet but since you named it - it sucks! :/
02-07-10  01:20pm

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - adrenalinrush :

It wouldn't bother me so much if the time between "announce-posting" the updates and the actual, internal posting of them didn't run for over an hour at times.

I could just wait until later in the day to check, of course, but that doesn't excuse the poor practice. I like FemJoy a lot, but it's been a bit of a sore point.

The guideline is "update from the inside out." Then you'll never have links up to stuff that isn't there, even for a second. I think it makes sense.

02-07-10  03:08pm

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