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messmer (0) 02-06-10  12:28pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Excellent photography and videography.

Gorgeous models (58 at last count), mostly Eastern European (at least the ones I've come across so far). Might be a minus for some but I find videos and photos coming from the East generally more exciting. As an added benefit this leaves out all those annoying male comments because the models and photographers don't speak English.

HD quality videos at 1280x720 at 5000 kbps.

Videos are available in five formats, HD MP4, HD WMV, DVD MP4, DVD WMV plus iPOD/iPHONE MP4.

Recent picture sets are available zipped in Standard Resolution (1024), High Resolution (1600) and Super High Resolution (3000+).

Custom zips. Excellent search capabilities.

Smooth streaming of videos.

Two updates daily!
Cons: Some of the American models are still indulging in the aggravating habit of wearing too little lingerie and getting undressed too quickly, leaving one with three pages of nudes. Blame the photographer though.

A little quirk when it comes to downloads. If I want a video in mp4 I have to right-click to bring up the menu. If I download in WMV I have to left-click.
Bottom Line: In my opinion this new site has made itself the best "hairy" site on the web in one fell swoop. I tell you what it did to me, it re-converted me to a picture fan because most models are gorgeous and the super high resolution pictures are breathtaking. So are the videos, by the way, so I can enjoy both for a change. Most picture places neglect videos and most video places neglect photos. This site does both well.

I would have given this site my highest rating ever if it had had a larger amount of contents, but with two updates a day it shouldn't take long to build.

Maybe in another year, if the webmaster sticks to his present standards I'll give it a 99! :-)

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Review Replies (7)

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Msg # User Message Date


Capn (0) Yes, I was equally impressed.

There is a forum there too....

Which is a bit lonely at the moment. ;0)

That said, I am finding the webmaster very responsive & friendly.

As regards the custom zips...Just tick each picture you want in the set & save when you are done.
You then get a download link generated.

Cap'n. :0)

02-06-10  12:41pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - Capn :

Thanks for the tip, re. custom zips, Cap'n. I'll edit the review accordingly. Last night I tried to do as you suggested by just creating the custom zip on the last page but ended up with an html file instead of my zip. God knows what I did wrong?? :-)
02-06-10  12:48pm

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Capn (0) REPLY TO #2 - messmer :

You are very welcome.

It wasn't you, my friend.

There was a target error that has now been rectified.

I tried it today. It works well now.

Cap'n. :0)

02-06-10  01:06pm

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Basil (Suspended) REPLY TO #2 - messmer :

Thanks for your review and such high score! We'll keep trying our best to build up the content base so hopefully in a years time we'll have more content available to our members ;) We're also focusing on finding more US models and we'll have more of them soon

Sorry about that custom zip bug - had a minor glitch in code, it was fixed and now everything working smoothly.

Once again, thanks for choosing WeAreHairy.com and your review!

02-06-10  01:44pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #4 - Basil :

It's always a pleasure to review a good site, Basil.

But .. but .. I wasn't asking for more American models until their photographers learn to tease us a bit by giving us a more prolonged strip sequence! I find too many of them are too quick to get their models out of the little bit they are wearing (most of them don't even wear bras!) and you end up with pages of completely nude rather than with a nice set that progresses slowly as the model peels away layer after layer until she is finally seen in all her glory. :-)

I love your Eastern Europeans and their photographers!

02-06-10  02:01pm

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Basil (Suspended) REPLY TO #5 - messmer :

We'll continue to offer a good mix of EU/US models and we'll focus more on undressing process - just give us some time and you'll see the results pretty soon.


02-06-10  02:07pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #6 - Basil :

Consider me mollified! (grin)
02-06-10  02:33pm

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