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Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan (0)

adrenalinrush (0) 02-09-10  01:56am
Rookie Badge  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 5 months prior to this review.
Pros: +++ daily updates
+++ great models + primilary teens
+++ big archive for movies and galleries
++ newer videos in hdv quality (16:9) older ones are in 4:3 format
++ no DRM or download limitations
+ easy navigation
+ good price
Cons: --- inconsistant design
--- outmoded technologies in use e.g.popups (without scrollbars when needed)
-- some girls wear braces
-- the repetitivness of content is obvious but part of the concept
Bottom Line: ALS Scan is a good blast from the past till the present. They were part of the porn history online and had formed their own unique style.

ALS Scan has shaved girls only. You'll find them often in solo, girl girl, oiled up, toy, pee, speculum and veggie action or in combination of those.

They offer exactly what they promise and that makes ALS Scan a perfect match for those who seek for flexible teens, small tits, spread legs and other kinky stuff.

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Review Replies (3)

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Msg # User Message Date


PinkPanther (0) They may be outmoded in design, but in terms of content, they're in the top tier in terms of the size and clarity of their pics and their HD vids.
02-09-10  06:34am

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adrenalinrush (0) REPLY TO #1 - PinkPanther :

I totally agree with you PinkPanther and I would go a little further!
I would be disappointed when ALS would change anything in design because it's part of their identity. They are, what they are and it works.

02-09-10  11:29pm

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #2 - adrenalinrush :

I wouldn't be surprised if some day they do a re-design of the whole site behind the scenes and spring it on us - I could imagine fantasy navigation where you put your cursor over a pic of a model and get a few second of vid of one of her hottest scenes.

Maybe if they feel that they've done all the upgrading needed for a while in their content and equipment, they'll turn their eyes to the design.

Re-designs, though, can be one of those "be careful what you wish for" propositions - Babes.tv, for instance had an older-looking site, did a re-design and had a less distinctive looking site at the same time that their content fell off a cliff - so it wasn't exactly a cause for joy.

In the main, my view towards the overall design of a site is "if it ain't broke, don't worry about it." The key thing that ALS Scan needed to do was to get their navigation in hand - and they've done that in the main, since you can now see all of the solo content of a model by clicking on her pic - and get pointed to the group and bonus shoots that she was involved in.

02-10-10  05:52am

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