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mbaya (0) 02-28-10  07:04am
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regional pricing

I see CCBill has a regional price but Epoch does not.

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Denner (0) It seems like an everlasting problem with regional pricing: CCBill keep having it and Epoch not...
A pity - because it still looks like CCBill is the primary billing-co. for most sites - and when somebody in another region wants to join a site they have to go through a lot of trouble finding the site at Epoch - to save their money and get the right/fair price.
Then again, great - some sites have direct links to Epoch in joining.

Thanks, mbaya for bringing this up again - guess PUs in other regions just have to keep on stating this problem with CCBill!

02-28-10  08:55am

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mbaya (Disabled) A while back I mentioned that even though I live in the US, my ISP has me in Canada. I will never pay a higher regional price through CCBill and I even sent them an email telling them so.
02-28-10  09:25am

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Capn (0) If I understand it correctly, it is a 'service' CCBill offer to webmasters. Only the greedy use it! :0(
02-28-10  11:14am

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