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Drooler (0) 03-20-10  07:31pm
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Recommend Joining with CCBill

Ah, Epoch! You sign up for the site, then a page appears that gives you your username, password, and member ID. All of these are generated automatically (you don't have the option).

Then the page with that information disappears and it cannot be regained! Then I go to the epoch site and, fortunately since I did manage to copy the member ID I was able to locate the purchase. But the password still isn't there. You have to click to have it emailed.

Do you think that this is hassle enough? It isn't! The email doesn't come!

You don't get this shit with ccbill, because their pages that summarize the purchase do stick around long enough. They don't vanish in a matter of .6 seconds. Whoever thought that was a smart idea ought to get a Wall Street bonus.

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Msg # User Message Date


Capn (0) Certainly not if you are in Europe!

If you live in Europe you get hammered by the CCBill rip you off 'service' ...sorry regional pricing!

Cap'n. :0(

03-21-10  03:09am

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - Capn :

Good point. So it's a password hassle in the US with one, and a price ripoff in Europe with the other. Choose your poison based on your locale.
03-21-10  06:37am

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Capn (0) REPLY TO #2 - Drooler :


I thought it needed to be added! ;0)

Cap'n. :0)

03-21-10  06:42am

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - Capn :

And I've got what is a post hoc (for me, at least, this time), solution to the Epoch problem: As soon as the page with the login info appears, select and copy ALL of it and then paste it in a word or excel doc that's standing at the ready. And SAVE it.

That's my two-bits of 20/20 hindsight.

03-21-10  06:56am

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Capn (0) REPLY TO #4 - Drooler :

That is a good solution.

I usually just use notepad. ;0)

Cap'n. :0)

03-21-10  07:45am

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